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Old 05-05-2005, 11:00 AM   #24 (permalink)
Emo Girl
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Originally Posted by thenextmissrowling
^I'll tell you the inspiration. Heh. I'm a Green Day junkie. Last night I watched Behind The Music: Green Day. And it made me feel all weird and angry at the punk community or well, I'm not really sure exactly who I was mad at, but you get the picture, because they were like ew Green Day you suck because your record is popular and we don't like you because you sing about love and you have melody to your sound. ew. And yeah, I took a moment to sit and think about it and I was like "and all this time I thought they were punk. Hmm." I'm not really sure what I ever really thought but meh. Pop-punk, same dif. And I saw these two 90s looking girls who were like "Billie Joe is SO HOT" and I was like ew. Omg is that what I sound like? So I took a moment to reevaluate myself and for some reason I couldn't listen to music, which for me is a tragedy because I love music, like I need music like I need breathing. I've even been known to change and go to the bathroom with my headphones on. So yeah that was like a huge thing for me and I was angry so I had to write that. **** those clichés of teen poetry. And here I thought I was exempt. Anyway there's another poem that I may or may not have posted here called unreliable *just remembers that this poem has no name* *hits head against computer desk repeatedly* and that one's about the song Good Riddance. So yeah. Whether or not you wanted to hear it (which more than likely you did not), that's my story.
Jo, i know what you mean about the 90s girls they're pathetic (well maybe i sound like them sometimes when i say "Billie is so hot" but anyway).
And I think iI know why you couldn't listen to music cuase that happened to me not one but a lot of times.
I love the poem!
california dreamin'
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