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Old 10-11-2003, 05:06 PM   #33 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

The Gryffindor sixth years (and Ginny because the author enjoys her) reentered the Common Room after a grueling raid on the kitchen and a party in the Room of Requirement, which apparently is ever so perfect for parties if you remembered to think of sound proof walls and a lock on the door.

Harry and Neville were first in and the rest of the group soon found themselves in a messy pile of robes and limbs.

"What in the...?" Ron stopped, and his jaw dropped. The other Gryffs were also in various stages of shock, including stuttering and drooling.

The Common Room was a disaster, but definitely a man-made one. What looked like toothpaste, chocolate syrup, and honey was smeared all over the furniture and walls. A cloud of doxies hung drunkenly from the chandelier. Apparently, they were coerced into the room by offering them bottles of NyQuil, which quickly intoxicated them before putting them to sleep. On a side note, NyQuil also affects the author this way... well, the sleep part.

Hermione began to laugh. "Think she snapped?" Dean elbowed Seamus. "Bet you two galleons she..." Ron slapped Hermione, and she broke off to glare at him and rub her red cheek.

"What's up, Hermione?"

She gestured to the room. "It's very Parent Trap for a Slytherin prank, isn't it? Kind of obviously muggle-influenced." Blank stares until Harry and Dean, the only two with muggle interaction in their past, suddenly got the reference. They laughed too. "It's a movie," Hermione explained between giggles. "I... I can't... pranks... at camp."

"Is it like Devil's Snare?" Ron asked.


"The Parent Trap. But it only eats parents?"

Hermione, who's name has gotten way too long and hard to type and from here on in will be referred to by something else, shrugged. "No..." The portrait hold opened and McGonagal fell through the hole.

"So it's true..." she frowned. "The house elves told me, but I didn't... Well?"

"We didn't do it," nine voices chorused. It may have been more - counting is not this author's strong point. Harry pointed to a banner with a snake choking a lion. It said, "You Smell Like Rank Beet Stew and Look Like the Back of the Ugliest Hippogriff's Uglier Brother and We Don't Like You Very Much!"

"Eloquent," Ginny smirked.

"I don't care!" McGonagal sniffed. "I thought the pranking had stopped but apparently, I was mistaken. Clean it up - TONIGHT!" And she rolled back through the portrait hole. I'd like to emphasize the clumsiness, because McGonagol really struggles with that hole, as has been considering just blasting her way through the Fat Lady someday in the near future.

They stared at each other in agony. Everyone but Hermy had homework to completely create fictitious information for, Hermy herself wanted to knit more hats, and Ginny was in her OWL year - besides they were lazy and didn't know any good cleaning charms.

"I suppose," Mione said doubtfully after a long pause. Very long. Crickets and windchimes long. "I suppose we could try that animation charm. Where you give sentience to objects and they perform specific tasks? What could we animate?"

They gazed around the room, looking for something that belonged to them and that would clean. Afterall, it would be a very bad thing to perform experimental charms on someone else's homework or Nimbus.

"Our clothes?" suggested Parvati. They stared in shock at her - all had assumed she was only in the story to bulk up the group and had never expected her to speak.

"I'm so not taking off my robes, for one," Lavender inserted. "And I don't want them all accidently hexed to rags."

"Well... leave what you can," Hermio shrugged. "We'll make do."

She had scarcely blinked before everyone else disappeared, leaving her alone with 16 pairs of socks.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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