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Old 10-11-2003, 04:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
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This is also written like a diary entry

2,July,2003 Harry Potter

I hate me
Why did this happen
Someone help me try to see

Those stupid dreams
Came way to often
They were real atleast they seemed

My friends they tried
they kept on saying
the dreams were lies

This one tortured me
But I didn't listen
I couldn't see

We left to the Ministry halls
No one was there
No one at all

The Death eaters waited
they had a plan
The prediciton they wished to be traded

The Order came
They fought
But no one was the same

Sirius fought that night
And continued with his cousin
Yet he lost that fight

I called his name
and Lupin shouted
and me he restrained

It's my fault he failed
I caused his
Last ship to sail

So if someone asks for Sirius now and then
You can blame me
I was the one who really killed him
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