Thread: Poetry: A Teen's Poetry
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Old 05-02-2005, 07:42 PM   #26 (permalink)
HaRrYlOvEr15's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Looking for the warentee for my mind. I seem to have lost it.
Posts: 302

Not so many responses this time... but I updated sooner. I just learned that I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrom a few days ago,so I had to re-orient myself to the keyboard,typing with one hand instead of two. I've gotten really good. I think I type about 25-30 words per minute one handed, but I used to type 41, so... *sigh* Anyway, here you are!


Your broken soul wanders
Blindly through the mist
But there's no escape
From the endless abyss.

Tortured and destroyed
An angel fallen too far
You'll burn out and die
Just like a shooting star.

You see a way out
A way for you to be free
And all you have to do
Is lend your heart to me.

I'll help you up
Support your weight
I'll be the one who caught you
Before it was too late.

That's the first peom I ever wrote. Way back in August. Yeah, kinda bad, but oh well.

Hold Me Tight

We started off as friends,

As close as close can be,

People thought we were going out,

But we protested vehemently.

Together we made a pact,

To never love each other,

We’d only be best friends,

Like sister and brother.

But I’m feeling different,

Now that four years have gone by,

I’m actually beginning,

To see you as my guy.

I want you to take my hand in yours,

I want your arms around me,

I want you to say I’m beautiful,

And I want all the world to see.

And when I’m feeling down,

I want you to hold me tight,

To gently stroke my hair,

And tell me it’s all right.

Besides, I don’t know,

If you feel the same way,

And even if I told you,

Exactly what would I say?

Or maybe you’re to shy,

To say what’s in your heart,

But shouldn’t I be able to tell,

Aren’t I supposed to be smart?

I only want to hold you tight,

But it’s the last thing I can do,

Why does it have to be so hard,

To say the words ’I love you’?

My first love poem. There's only like 3 of those. Kind of bad, too. But hey, I tried.


To me just

One time and

Maybe you’ll hear

What I’ve been trying

So hard to say for so long

The words you’ve been

Deaf to the ones you

Refuse to hear and

You blow me off

Every time I try

To make you



And hear me

Crying for someone

To get my message for

Just a little time to let it all

Out and not worry about what

You’d say to this or that and

Finally be able to tell you

If only you’d just stop

For one moment

And sit and

For once

"Not all men are annoying. Some are dead."
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