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Old 05-02-2005, 02:56 AM   #2 (permalink)
Crazy Blonde
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Probably dancing
Posts: 396

A Different War

As the bullet struck him
He fell to the ground just like Kim
I turned my head
I knew he must be dead

He would not die like this
They had both made that promise to Chris
If he was going to die
He would die in my arms, and that was no lie

As I ran through the smoke
I heard many others choke
“You can fight this” I scream
O how I want this to be a dream

Your hand on my face
O how it feels like cold lace
“You can’t leave me
I need your help so the whole world can see”

O those many tears
That show these were my fears
The world will pay
If they take you away

“One more kiss before I die”
The thought of that makes me cry
I promise this to you
They will pay too.

As the enemy comes to me
I take the gun from your hand so they can see
While the medics have got you
I’ll fight for you and win too

But without you the bullet flows through me
And I know that you can see
As I fall down beside you
They say you will live and I may too

As a wake in this room
I look around and it looks like my doom
My wrist looks so bad were I cut it
I look so white, like I came out of a crypt

I look to see
And yes you are next to me
Maybe now they’ll see
What they do when they make fun of me
What Hurts the Most was being so close
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