Flying Lessons
You walk in to the classroom that was just added after last term. It’s at the end of the hall past the DADA class. Upon entering you notice a long rack to your left with 20 school brooms all hanging neatly on hooks. Above each broom is a set of goggles and gloves. The are no desks in this class, but 20 chairs neatly stacked against the opposite wall by a door that leads out into the courtyard. This class will be your meeting and instruction area and then class will proceed to the courtyard. You will be learning the basics of flying on a broom. For those of you already flying brooms (no matter what brand) this class is not for you. Therefore, there will be no talk in class about which famous broom you received over holiday or how you can already fly loops on you Firebolt, if you can, you don’t need to be here. Please be on time, we have lots to learn and it takes a bit of trying to get to be any good at flying. |