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Old 04-13-2005, 11:04 PM   #2 (permalink)
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here's my 'official' one.

Amaris Chaos' (FIRST) Dare:
* Someone must set the Slytherin common room on fire
* Someone must develop ESP
* The plot must rotate around a large roll of duct tape
* Someone must say: "If quiters never win, and winners never quit..then who was the fool who first said 'quit while you are ahead'?"
* Elvis (that's right!) must make a cameo appearance
*And finally someone must say: "What's your sign? Is it "Yield"? Huh, huh, huh."
Due Date: April 13, 2005

Ducktape- where the magic begins
‘Unbelievable!’ Fred Shouted as he pointed at a parchment hanging on the notice board in the entrance hall. ‘Umbridge… Umbridge has replaced Dumbledore?’
He stared at George with a shocked expression. Everywhere around them people were looking shocked, some were even sobbing. But all the sobs and whispers disappeared abruptly when the sound of laughter filled the entrance halls. All people in the hall turned their head to look at the twins disgusted.
‘shut up, you filthy slytherins.’ Someone whispered. Fred and George ignored the first year whispering that, well, it had to be a first year. Anybody else’d know they were gryffindors.
Fred and George tried to stop laughing, but only because Umbridge was walking through the hall. With a smile on her face she watched the students reading the notice. Some of them turned to give her a filthy look. Fred and George hurried to her.
‘O, we just wanted to congratulate you on your appointment.’ George said.
‘Well, that’s very nice of you.’ Umbridge said awkardly. She was clearly wondering what the twin was up to.
‘It was only logical you got the job, of course.’ Fred said. ‘the person who did this has to be very intelligent.’
‘wasn’t it Umbridge who did that, Fred?’ George informed.
Fred looked at him as though he was surprised. ‘really?’ he asked, then they quickly walked into the great hall and to the gryffindor table. Soon they were sniggering. Some people looked at them disturbed, others only curious, but most didn’t notice. Everyone was concentrating on their whispers.
‘You know what I heard.’ They heard somewhere ‘Dumbledore nearly killed Fudge!’
‘Well, that’s a huge lie.’ Somebody else said. ‘Dumbledore’d never do that!’
‘well, how can you know?’
Fred and George sat down at a corner of the Gryffindor with a concerningly low amount of whispers. They looked in the faces of other DA members, all wondering the same. Was it their fault Dumbledore’d been replaced?
‘O, come on.’ Hermione said. ‘It’d have happened anyway. They’ve been planning this since the beginning of the year.’
But even though they all had to agree with her, they still felt sort of guilty. Fred and George looked at eache other. ‘well, what do you say?’ George asked.
‘Well,’ Fred answered. ‘I think we should definitely help Umbridge keep the order.’
‘And I think we should definitely use out last invention!’ George said.
‘Yes’ Fred said. ‘I’m sure she’d be us very… gratefull.’
Before anyone could ask them what they were up to, Fred and George’d grabbed some toast and walked out, disappearing in the first secret passageway they could find. They hurried to the gryffindor tower and quickly got some boxes out of their trunks.
‘O, no. we’re late.’ Fred said.
‘O, but it’s just Umbridge we’re missing.’ George answered.
‘still…’ Fred said. ‘she might suspect something.’
They dropped their boxes behind one of their favorite statues and hurried to defence against the dark arts. Somehow they got in just before Umbridge closed the door.
‘Good morning, class.’ She said happily. And to make it even worse: ‘isn’t it a great day?’
‘No it isn’t’ some people mumbled. Others simply ignored her and stared out the window. Fred and George nodded and said.
‘Of course. Today’s going to be a great day!’ They looked at each other and grinned.
‘so we just need to sellotape this.’ Fred said in the break. ‘and then it’s perfect.’
‘but spellotape won’t last that long.’ George protested. ‘I’ve got a better idea. It’s called duck tape.’ He got out a roll of black tape and just tore a piece of it when they heard some slytherin coming. They turned and noticed Montage standing in front of them.
‘are you having some fillibuster’s?’ he asked. ‘You know that’s forbidden in the school. Let’s see. That’s erm… 100 poin…’ at that moment Fred and George grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him through a door. They didn’t notice how he accidentally kicked a roll of sellotape into the space first. When they’d finally closed the door they looked at each other. ‘where’s he gone to?’ George asked ‘this was the vanishing cabinet, wasn’t it?’
‘yes it is. Well, he must be gone for a while!’
‘and so is the spellotape.’ Fred said. ‘now what? Should we use that stuff? I mean, it’ll definitely last shorter than spellotape.’
They looked at their fireworks. Their fireworks didn’t need spellotape to work, but they wanted to make one big arrow by sticking a few together.
At that moment Luna appeared. Fred and George quickly put the boxes behind their backs. Somehow this passageway seemed to be crowded today.
‘hey guys.’ Luna sang. ‘could I see that black ring?’
Fred and George looked at each other astonished. Fred’d put the duck tape in his box, she couldn’t see it.
‘black ring?’ Fred asked.
‘O, sorry, I thought I’d seen you with a black ring, must be wrong though. Well, good luck with your fireworks, don’t worry I won’t tell.’
‘but we don’t have fireworks!’ George protested
Luna stared at them. ‘but you were just showing me that box, I mean, if you don’t want to tell me, you shouldn’t show me.’
‘no we weren’t!’ Fred said. ‘you must’ve imagined it.’
Luna walked away flabbergasted and Fred and George turned back to their boxes. When they’d finally ducktaped the arrows together they quickly headed to the entrance hall. Somewhere in the middle of it they noticed their brother and his friends.
‘we’d better warn them.’ George thought ‘or we wouldn’t be the only ones getting into trouble.’
‘Draco’s just taken about 50 points off gryffindor.’ Harry said, pointing at the hour-glass.
‘All those Slytherins are doing so.’ George said. ‘Montague tried it with us. We ‘accidentally’ pushed him into the vanishing cabinet on the first floor.’
‘what?’ Hermione asked. ‘I mean, do you want to get expelled? Umbridge’d love to have a reason to do that, you know! And you must never quit when you’re right in front of getting soemthing. Just a few months and you have your NEWTS!’
‘so what?’ Fred asked. ‘We don’t care about school any more, you know. We’d love to go. We’re just staying untill Umbridge expells us. And in that time we might as well make some mayhem!’
‘O, by the way.’ George said. ‘You’d better go to the Great hall, unless you want to get expelled too.’ He looked meaningfull at Hermione. ‘so nobody can blame you.’
They waited behind a statue untill the entrance hall was as good as empty. They put their hogwarts cloaks on and pulled their pointed hats as far over their ears as possible, so nobody’d notice their red hairs. Then they walked to the middle of the entrance hall, opened their boxes and whispered something. Then they ran as hard as they could and turned around to look at what was happening. All boxes exploded at once and filled the whole entrance whale with shrieks, bangs and lighning. It was suddenly very silent in the great hall. Fred and George knew it’d only take seconds for the first students to get out the great hall to see the fireworks, so they hurried into a corridor and dived into a secret passage.
‘WHAT IS GOING ON?’ They heard. It was Filch. ‘WHAT IS GOING ON? WHO DID THIS?’ His voice got lost in the talk and laugh of students pointing at flying dragons and..
‘wow, what’s that?’ they heard.
‘looks scary… would that be grindelwal?’
‘No, duh, that’s a muggle singer, elvis presley.’
‘you’re kidding’
They heard a song of elvis presley fill the corridors. It was one of their masterpieces. A colour-changing, translucent Elvis Presley flying through the corridors singing his songs.
‘well, Hermione wasn’t right.’ Fred said. ‘Don’t quit while you’re ahead, or things like this wouldn’t happen.’
‘what?’ Lee Jordan asked, stepping in. ‘Quit while you’re ahead? Never mind, I personally like the spinning ones best.’ He said. ‘but they’re all genius.’
‘o, you should check out what happens when Umbridge tries to make them disappear!’ George said.
‘yeah, maybe I will.’ Lee said. ‘This fireworks is amazing!’ and he left again.
Fred and George listened with their ear against the tapestry to Filch screaming: ‘I’LL PERSONALLY HUNT DOWN WHOEVER DID THIS AND MAKE SURE HE GETS EXPELLED!’ Fred was sure he heard professor McGonagall whispering to professor Flitwick while walking past: ‘O, what a disaster… Maybe we should get professor Umbridge, shouldn’t we? I’m sure we couldn’t stop this without her help. well,yes, if we wanted to, but… Wow, did you see that one?’
‘This is great!’ George whispered. ‘I can’t wait untill Umbridge finally turns up!’
‘hem hem’ they suddenly heard behind them . They looked at each other and turned pale. Slowly they looked around.
‘Impressive.’ Ginny said, and she giggled the way Umbridge did. It was scary. If it wasn’t Ginny they saw and her voice they heard, they’d swear it was Umbridge.
‘so is your cough.’ George admitted.
‘Yeah, we nearly thought we were busted…’ Fred added.
‘Did you hear professor mcGonagall and professor Flitwick?’ Ginny asked. She now was leaning against the wall and they could see there was someone behind her.
‘Yeah, I believe they’ll be unable to make any of those arrows disappear.’ Fred said.
‘I wonder what side professor Snape is on.’ Luna said. ‘I wonder what he’d do if there happened something with slytherin. If one of those arrows hit draco in his face or set someone on fire.’
‘our fireworks’d never set something on fire.’ Fred said.
‘exactly’ said george. ‘they’re as safe as Fillibusters and a lot less.. boring.’
‘wow, did you see that one?’ Ginny called out. ‘Let’s go Luna, gotta check this out!’
By that time Umbridge turned up. When she tried to stun a rocket it exploded.
‘It works exactly the way we wanted it to do!’ Fred laughed.
‘It’s genius’ Harry said, as he entered trough a tapestry. ‘can it do anything else?’
‘If you try to vanish them they multiply by ten!’ George sniggered.
‘Wow!’ Harry said. ‘this is genious’ and he left too, heading to class and underwhile watching the firework.

The rest of the day Umbridge spent walking around from class to class helping the professors getting rid of the fireworks. Fred and George were sure by now professor mcGonagall’d really said what they’d heard her saying. Every time a rocket managed to get into the classroom, she asked someone to get professor Umbridge and so did the other professors. By the end of the day, Umbridge was looking very tired.
‘O, Professor!’ Fred said. ‘could you show us how to get rid of this firework?’
Umbridge looked as though she could kill him and then said:
‘If I ever find out it was you, Weasley, you’d wish you were expelled.’
‘who, me?’ George asked. ‘I wouldn’t dare making fireworks go of in the entrance hall!’
‘You’d better not, Weasley!’ Umbridge said, but then she had to run after a rocket.
‘O, we wouldn’t dare quitting.’ Fred said ‘Quitters never win!’
‘And winners never quit!’ George said.
Again, Lee just came walking to them while they were talking about quitters and again, he said. ‘what? O, never mind. They’re incredible! Did she suspect you?’
‘She had no idea, of course.’ George said.
‘Or, no’ Fred said. ‘I think she had an idea.’
‘Yeah’ said George. ‘she accused us of thinking it was funny! How dare we!’
Together, they headed to potions. Snape was being as usual.
‘close the door’ he snapped at everyone walking in. ‘we don’t want any explosions, do we?’ Therefore, potions class was as boring as usual. Fred and George discussed wether they should do something to shake everybody in potions awake, but they decided they’d better focus on Umbridge.
As they were walking back to the entrance hall they noticed a huge rocket flying over their heads. When they looked better, they realised it was the ducktape rocket. They turned around and ran after it. It was going much too fast and in a while they could just see the rocket disappear when they passed a corner. They were getting tired and had nearly lost it when they saw something strange. Something very strange… A wall was on fire. And even better, Malfoy was running through the wall, coughing.
‘Wow, we found the slytherin common room!’ Fred whispered.
‘Finally’ George whispered back. ‘But let’s get out of here before anyone sees us.’
‘yeah,’ fred whispered. ‘we might enjoy getting on Umbridge’s bad side. I think Luna was right about snape…’ then they both realised luna was even loonier than she looked.

By dinner the whole school’d heard about the fire in the slytherin common room. It wasn’t as big as they usually were, because there were also the rockets. But everyone’d heard about it. Nobody, except for a few slytherins,two gryffindors and perhaps one ravenclaw knew it’d been firework.
‘I swear’ they heard some hufflepuff whisper. ‘It were the same people who made the fireworks. It was all an anti-slytherin action.’
Fred and George looked at each other and tried not to burst out in laughing. They waited until they were in the common room and then burst out in laughing. Of course, no gryffindor had any doubt it’d been their fireworks and now they all wanted to buy some.
‘You can put your name on the delivery list and then we’ll make sure you get some the time we have our stock refilled.’ Said george
‘But only if you promise to use them on Umbridge.’ Fred joked.

After that they had no time to plan any more jokes. They were busy refilling their stocks and taking care of their future shop on diagon alley. They still needed to sign some papers and other things. Most people suddenly had a bag full of dungbombs and fillibuster’s and everyone was laughing. They’d say it was on some joke, but secretly it was about Umbridge. Many people were looking happy and carefree, even though it slowly disappeared as the exams got closer. There were only two persons who didn’t seem happy, Harry and Luna. They knew what was bothering Luna, of course. And it became even more obvious when Ginny told them how Luna’d fallen asleep in the wood-classroom during divination and afterwards had a talk with Firenze which seemed to make her very emotional. Fred and George looked at each other, thinking Luna’d had a talk about seeing.
‘well, how can she act weird, she is weird, isn’t she?’ George asked.
‘O, of course she is not.’ Ginny answered. ‘she’s just…different’
‘Yeah, very different’ Fred agreed.
‘And Harry’s acting weird too.’ Ginny said. ‘and I asked him… could you do him a favour? Could you make sure he can talk to padfoot?’
‘that’s an easy one.’ Said Fred. He and George jumped up and walked to harry, telling him their plan.

A few days later they were finishing their last joke. This one’d be great. And they’d be getting even more requests than with the fireworks.
‘No, don’t put Ducktape in it!’ Fred said. ‘You don’t want to set anything on fire again, do you?’
‘as long as it’s something Umbridge likes..’
‘What were you going to ducktape anyway?’
‘well,’ George said ‘look at this..’
Fred’s eyes turned into little lights. ‘and then that.. it’s perfect! No Umbridge who’d be able to move that! We should put it in all of them!’
After their last classes they went to and empty corridor and opened a little box. They got out four marble-like stones and put them in the four corners of the corridor. The moment they put the last one on the floor it suddenly turned muddy and wet.
Fred and George looked at each other. ‘o, no, the ducktape!’ fred suddenly said, and he ran in the swamp. Just after three steps he got stuck. ‘George!’ he called. ‘you go, and don’t step over there.’ George went in the direction Fred’d pointed and saw how Fred managed to get out of it. Then he got stuck and pointed Fred where to go. Fred pulled him out, got stuck and pointed where to go. Then they saw the wonderfull black tape lying in the mud. They both reached for it and then George said. ‘o, why didn’t we accio it?!’
They got out of the swamp without problems, because they knew the way by now, and one second they didn’t recognise the toad standing in front of them. Then they realised it was Umbridge.
‘Mister Weasley, Mister Weasley.’ She said. ‘what on earth were you doing?’
‘Just getting our ducktape out of the swamp.’ George said. ‘and o yeah, I forgot, I mean our swamp.’ Then he and Fred simply walked past her with a grin, heading to the Great hall.
In the entrance hall Umbridge jumped in front of them and said. ‘and now you two stay here and listen to me.’ She looked angry, but at the same time as though it was her birthday. It was scary and strange…
‘so, you thought it was funny to make a swamp in that corridor?’ Umbridge asked.
‘Yes,’ said Fred, ‘actually, we do. We enjoy it that much we’re starting our own joke shop on diagon alley, weasley wizarding wheezes.’
‘O, but you’re still on school and if you thought that was funny, you should agree with me punishment is funny too. Now, you two are going to set an example’
‘O, you think so?’ George said. ‘I don’t think we’re still in school. Not for long anyway. I think we’re finished.’
‘me too.’ Fred said. Then they accioed their brooms, which came flying out of a corridor with chains hanging on them. They mounted them and flied away, Peeves waving at them. All students were laughing or whispering. Except for a few.
Luna was saying:’I knew it..’ and then turned even paler than she’d been before.
Lee was staring in front of him and said loudly and confused. ‘If quiters never win, and winners never quit..then who was the fool who first said 'quit while you are ahead?’
And Ginny was grinning and whispered at Umbridge’s back ‘what’s your sign, is it yield, huh huh?’
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