Silent Voices of the Wind
When I sleep I dream and
when I dream I hate
for all I see is you. You
and your hidden face. Air brushed
faces on the covers of magazines make
me sick. It makes me sick that you look up
to these women who make themselves sick
by not eating.
You make me sick when I hear you
call yourself fat or ugly. You make me sick when
I see your eyes bleeding as you stare into the mirror
of deceivers. Criticly looking at yourself like staring is going
to do something except make you feel worse about
yourself then you already do.
Your ears are burning and bleeding when you
hear whispers and silent voices being blown
away into the bursting wind of hate. But
that's all you are anymore,
a ball of hate that keeps bouncing against the
floors of sorrow and insanity.
Well, this one is done. I guess you can tell what this one is about. Moral: Don't look up to fake people. Look up to a family member or someone you admire for being their selves. Because in the end you have to come out as yourself or else you could go insane being someone else. I know these aren't the best of what I have written but I wrote all of it in the wee morning hours. I was going to edit make them better but then I just thought what's the point their perfect in their own simplicity.