It was
previously reported that
Bloomsbury would oblige to the
request of
Greenpeace to use forest-friendly paper for '
Half-Blood Prince'.
However now it has been
confirmed that Bloomsbury will definitely use recycled paper for their UK print run.
Belinda Fletcher a Greenpeace forest campaigner said, "By publishing the forthcoming Harry Potter on a 30% FSC certified paper, Bloomsbury has thrown down the gauntlet to less progressive publishers, like Random House and Harper Collins, who have, so far failed to act. It is now up to other major U.K. publishers to start responding to Bloomsbury's lead."
"We welcome the efforts that Bloomsbury have made and look forward to them moving towards 100% ancient forest friendly papers for all future Harry Potter print runs and their other titles."
Scholastic have not yet responded to the Greenpeace request.
Wizard News