Passing through
Everytime I get near you
your blood runs cold.
Deeper and deeper your
your love for me is hidden.
Why won't you look at me?
I tried to change. There is
even a new improved me. Your so cold
when I touch you, making me me bleed.
My soul can see into the depths of your soul
and dreams. Your killing me slower and slower, just
kill me faster then now. I weap when you run from me,
It's not my fault your potion wouldn't
work on me. Maybe your chemisty set isn't
working right. This isn't science
baby it creativity.
Your love for me risis to the skin.
Becasue now you know I love you
without chemistry. The magic is
what makes me love you. I'm sorry
that I'm not sorry. This is as lonely as it gets.
Look at my reflection in the
water of the pond.
The halo around your head
is now crooked, like many other
before you. Go and be a star like your
friends before I loose it. I'm a writer, and I'm a poet
I love you but I never show it. I'll wait here in my waiting
chair and wait for you to return
from the dark abyss of space.
I'm done with this one, yeah I knw this story is long, but it
means, your love will come. You just have to wait for the right one.
Don't go looking for her/him. Let them come to you.
Becasue if you go looking you could find the wrong one. If you love someone you'll
wait for them to return from the darkness of space and you'll probably sacrifice the things you love most.