See you later
As you cry your
tears of sorrow are
like blood. Trickling down
your face is a horrible site, and I weap.
I told you to stop, I don't want to leave you
to discover. I hope that this pain will leave you soon.
Your fueling my fears, remember this moment,
I wish that you were here. The old you who would
open up a window and breathe. You can't finish
what you started, sad but not surpirsed. I'm staring at
the ceiling of your darkened heart. I can see a little bit
of light peeking through. Where are you? I don't want to leave you.
But your not you anymore, are you?
I'll give you my wings to get through
but I have to push you off this cliff and take my soul back.
I'm giving up on you,
so now I leave you to fly with the sparrow
of light, he'll take care of you.
See you later. I was just the passanger.