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Old 04-01-2005, 07:22 AM   #14 (permalink)
The Boogeyman
Fire Slug
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Under your bed
Posts: 168

A Black Hole

A black hole stands where
your soul stood, it sucked it in and
your heart which was me. Your living a
lie letting your mind control you. Your soul was put
here for a reason, and you lost it.

I am sitting here waiting for you to
find it. Your heart and soul is trapped
in there, why won't you show it?

Everything is ok? Whatever.
Everything is better? Right.
Your not who I thought you were letting
the darkness drive you out. How
could you let it get so bad? Your only
a girl. Of course, your mad at me and the world
I wish you had left me be
all those years ago. Your never going
to get the point your black hole is getting bigger.
Sucking in your family and everyone you hold dear.
I'm the only one who held on to a street light not letting go.
I'm trying to help you but your only a mind. A mind that soaks
up knowledge not feelings or love. Your nothing but drama queen
and your making it all up!
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