Thread: Poetry: Broken and Bleeding
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Old 03-26-2005, 02:08 AM   #9 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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I'm glad you guys like it, and most of these poems I write when I'm sort of sad or ahving a bad day or something. This poem I wrote at school I write most of my stuff at school. Well this one is sort of like how I feel when I'm at school since people portray me as some "goth/punk" girl.


I feel so lonely, like a lost kid that you can't find. It seems like no one understands me, like if I'm alone with no help. Like I'm on a deserted Island, I write S.O.S but no one responds I send out messages no one responds. My soul feels so empty I feel like crying. I hear people talking about me I don't care and I walk off, but really deep inside I just wanna scream and say "SHUT UP!" Everyday feels like I'm some experiment and people are looking at me judging me, when they don't even know me. My friends act as if I'm stupid and weird, sometimes I just wish I could walk away from everything sort of like "Walk away (maybe) from Good Charlotte. If only people could take time to get to know me they'd find out I'm a really a nice person and I'm not some "goth chick" or some "punk loser" Thats how lonely I feel.

Hope you guys like that one it doesn't really make sense to me, but oh well lol
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