Thread: Poetry: Broken and Bleeding
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Old 03-24-2005, 01:54 AM   #7 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Glad you liked it

I wrote this one about the same time I wrote "Drowning

"Right one"

Once upon a time there was this guy and this girl. The girl told him she liked him, he thought it was one big joke. Now it looks like he wants to tell her something,but he doesn't. She thinks she has a chance, but it looks like the guy likes her "supposedly friend" and her friend like hims back. So she watches as they flirt and go out. She doesn't say anything she rather see her friend happpy then miserable. So she weeps inside and she gets depressed everytime she see's them. She keeps a smile on her face like a happy trooper but really she's crushed inside like when you squish a cracker, until the day she finds her prince.

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