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Old 03-23-2005, 02:06 AM   #6 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Heres another one of my poems Im glad someone is enjoying my writings This poem has like a little story to it, ok whenever I'm mad or something I write so this was when I wrote some guy a note telling him how I felt about him. But he tottally ignored me cause everyone at school thinks I'm goth and all which I dont care and that a pretty stupid reson to ignore someone.


I told you I liked you, I slipped all my feelings for you on a piece of paper, just for your eyes to see. First thing you do to break my heart is ignore me and act like I don't exist. Second you talk to me like nothing is going between us your all nice and cool. Then when i think something is about to happen between us and that I might have a chance with you, you crush my heart into a million little peices that can't be put back together. I hate you for that, but I still like you.......well I thought I liked you. "You know why cause you broke my heart so I'm gone for you, because you broke my heart.

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