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Old 02-24-2005, 08:08 PM   #48 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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Thanks guys

"oh my..."Hermione said her face was pale..well paler than it usually was.

"No!"Zee said to Voldemort "Im tired of this I dont want to be your daughter, I dont want to see the one's I love in pain." Voldemort just looked at her with a reall angry face. "you dont want to be part of all this" he said Billy got back up. "well just show you what happens when you talk like that" he said and looked at Billy who was hlsing his side because of all the pain. "no" Zee said and went next to Billy. "you cant" she said crying. "Tony would you like to the honers of using the Abra Kedabra curse on this young man here?" he said motiong to Billy. "since your lovely sister refuses to be the dark princess." Tony was about to do the spell when Hermione came out of the shadows with Harry,Ron and Lucius grabbing them by there collars. "look what I found" he said with a smirk. "Tony dont do it" Hermione said "sorry,but I have to" Tony said and pointed his wand at Billy and started to say the spell when Zee got inbetween Billy and the wand. But right when Tony finished the spell hit Zee and she fell to the ground. "No" Billy said kneeling down beside Zee's body. "what I do" Tony said "I killed my own flesh and blood" he said feeling discusted. "she was a waist of a riddle anyways" Gabe said it was the first thing he had said thruw out the whole night. Draco just looked at Zee's body and he felt like cring but he didnt "well my lord you should know that Tony is seeing a mudblood" Draco said, he didnt know why he said that. Voldemort turned to Tony and said "is this true?" and Tony looked at Hermione and then Hermione went and said "yes he is but I'm willing to be a deatheter" she said Harry and Ron just looked at Her. Lucius was dumstrucked Harry let go of his grip and went over to Voldemort. Voldemort looked at him and said "i should finish you off here and now" he said and he was about to say Avra Kedavra when Ron came and said Avra Kedavra with Harry and they hit Voldemort. "come on lets go" Ron said and Harry and him got the pendant and left. When they got to Hogwarts ron said "I cant beleive her" he said talking about Hermione. "is he dead" a deatheter said and Gabe went over to see "yes he is" he said. "you know what that means" Lucius said "your the new Dark lord" he said "so what are you going to do about your brother" he said "well if this mudblood wants to be a deatheater she can" he said glint in his eyes "but she has to promise never ever to tell about the meetings or else you'll get what my dear sister got" he said his fangs glinting with the moon light. "you dont have to do this" Tony said "i dont have to but i want to" Hermione said. "what do we do with the body?" Draco asked "we leave it" Gabe said he did a spell on Hermione and she had the mark. "ok you all canleave" Gabe said and Billy and all them left.

The next morning was the End of the Year feast. Billy wasnt going to go but Tony had convinced him "come on Zee wouldnt of wanted to see you like this" he said trying to comfort him. "she should be here" he said. Now Tony knew that Billy was all about the rocker look you know eyeliner and all that, but today he wasnt wearing any. "whats with the look?" Tony asked "It's called mourning" Billy said his eyes didnt have that glint they use to have they were cold and dim. "oh" Tony said he ws sad but Billy was depressed. They went to the feast and the Great Hall was all in black and the sky was stars, they had the stars because those were Zee's favorite. Dumbledore went up to speak and said "you all know about Zee, or should we say Zamarit" he said "she was a great student and we will miss her dearly."he said. Tony had told the headmaster that Zee had been attacked in the forest and they couldnt find the body. "so lets raise our glases for this lost of a great soul" Dumbledore said and they all raised there glasses that were full of blood to Zee. Billy didnt drink from his cup he skipped dinner and went to bed. The next morning Billy and Tony were in there compartment on the train, the graduation ceremony was short. When they got to platform 9 3/4 Tony said "see you at Auror training?" "yeah" Billy said "hold in there" Tony said "yeah but Zee is out there somewhere" Billy said "I can feel it" he said and they both went there seperate ways.


Hope you guys liked this fic Im working on the sequel it's gonna be called Ghost of You hope you guys read the sequel.

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