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Old 02-23-2005, 12:41 AM   #45 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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Thanks guys for the reviews Im enjoying this story a lot! lol And thanks Lizzie *huggles*

Next Chapter.....

Ron and Harry got to Hermione and Ron whispered "what are you doing here?" he whispered Hermione was about to answer but she saw that a figure had taken Zee aside from the meeting, "shh" Harmione said "get down" she said and Ron and Harry knealed down with her.

"So I see you decided to come?" a cold voice from Lucius Malfoy said from behind his mask.
"yeah and..."Zee said in a cold voice you couldnt tell she was scared but she was.
"dont talk to me like that you little..."Lucius said
"no daughter probably has a reason for using that tone" a cold voice said from the shadows
Zee didnt answer
"well do you?" Lucius questioned
"No" Zee said hatred in her eyes mixed with pain from years past.
"now now well have to show you how to respect"the voice said once more. Now the deatheaters had heard, they were all crowding around. "we should Master" Bellatrix said from behind the Dark Lord. "Father no..."Tony said to his dad, but Voldemorts wand was too fast, he had hit Zee with a unforgibable curse. Zee fell to the ground in Pain. "father? why did he call you that?" a deatheater said. "that's why I called you guys here to tell you that I have two more children apart from Gabe. He said motioning to a tall Dark figure, he was as tall as Tony but more muscular. "what?" some deatheters said. "how can that be?" Zee was up from the ground now "he killed our mother" Zee said and Voldemort hit her again with the spell. "your mother was a traitor!" he said "your a discrace to this family" he said looking at Ze. Zee got up and backed away next to Billy. Draco saw that and got mad. "running to your little boyfriend" Voldemort said once more. "you shouldnt treat her like that" Billy said. "What is this I hear" Voldemort said his red eyes looking at Billy he turned to Tony and said "why dont you show Mr. Shadows some to respect" Tony obeyed his father and said to Zee "sorry" so only she could hear him and hit Billy with the same spell Voldemort had hit Zee with. Tears started coming down Zee's face like a waterfall as she heard Billy suffer with all that pain and screaming.

Hope you guys like it this story is sort of coming to a end....but dont worry cause i'm working on the sequel lol I appreacite the reviews
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