TOTALLY BACKWARDS Harry woke up bright and early on the morning of the 1st day of term. Though he didnt feel like Harry. He felt more...evil. He sat up and looked around and thought Where am I? when i went to sleep, I was back in my mansion. Boy is MY father going to be mad when he finds out I have been kidnapped by aliens. ALIENS?!?!!? He sreams loudly. Suddenly, Hermione bursts in.
"HARRY! Are you alright?!?"
Harry looks at her with deep disgust. "And what are YOU doing here Granger? Was it YOU who kidnapped me and brought me here?!!?" Oh god. I have been kidnapped by mudbloods!!!!!!
Meanwhile...Draco woke up in his green bedroom. WTF? What am i doing here? Green bedroom? Huh? Suddenly, Draco's father calls him down for breakfast. Malfoy? OH NO! Draco hides under his bed. He hoped Lucius would leave him alone. He was wrong though. Lucius soon came up looking for Draco. But Draco was under the bed. Sadly, Lucius happened to drop somethinng. And when he bent over to pick it up, he glanced under the bed...into Draco's face. Lucius makes him get out from under the bed and get ready for breakfast.
Hermione finally talks to Harry, but what Harry says makes no sence. "IM NOT HARRY! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM MUDBLOOD?!"
Ron comes in wondering what all the screaming is about.
Harrys glares at them. "Oh God! i have to get out of here!"
Grabs his broom and trunk and flys to the train station to platfrom 9 & 3/4.Where he begins to search for Crabbe & Goyle. They arrive later but they think he is Harry too. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!?" Sees a mirror and goes over and looks in it. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! What the heck?!!?" Tries despirately to pull of his skin...AND HIS HAIR! His Hair looked like Harry's Hair! He gets an idea. Quickly, he runs back to his compartment, pulls out a white shirt and writes on the back. When he was finished. It said - I AM DRACO! then on the front it had slytherin written all over it. Harry then puts the shirt on. And he glares at his hair. He quickly pulls out his wand and taps his hair. it turns blonde. "Well, thats a little better but these glasses!!" Pulls them off and gets contacts.
Draco finally gets to platfrom 9 &3/4 and begins looking for Ron & Hermione. He finds them and walks into their compartment and sits next to Hermione. They were really wondering what was going on. Soon enough, they get to Hogwarts. After dinner they go to bed. Draco goes to the Gryffindor tower and Harry goes to the slytherin dugeons. but the Portraits wouldnt let them in. so both of them go and sit infront of their portrait holes. Finally, morning. Gryffindors & Slytherins had potions first. But before Hermione is able to get ouf of the portrait hole, Fred & George come bounding over to her. "Guess what Hermione! " they said. "We have just wirtten our first book! its called Scary Wizarding Stories. But we would advise you not to read it unless you want to know the horrors of our lives!" They both laugh and walk out of the portrait hole. Ron & Hermione rush off to potions and sits down. A few minutes later, Harry walks in and sits with the Slytherins, while Draco sits inbetween Ron & Hermione. They exchange bewildered glances. All of a sudden, Snape flys through a new window he had built in the day before. And he lands on his desk. He had super huge Purple wings. He Glared at the slytherins. "10 points from Slytherin!! Your too grouped up! SPREAD OUT! Snape wont be here today. Hes in Neverland relaxing from you brat Slytherins. Instead, Im here. Im Peter Pan" Snape smiles at the Gryffindors. "10 points to Gryffindor. See how they are all spread out?!!?
Later at lunch, Hermione and Ron start fighting about who is smarter. "well," said Hermione, "Lets just see if you can out smart ME!" And with that, she leaves a bewildered Ron sitting there. Ron tried to out-smart her by peeking over her shoulder to see her homework, but he fails. Then Hermione takes Rons homework & hides it. Hermione suggests that they should have a test to see who can out-smart each other. Draco Judges. Hermione ends up winning. When all of a sudden, Snape flys up and says "Wow! Having fun there young ones? 10 house points to Gryffindor!"
Suddenly, the large purple wings disappear and Snape lands in a place of pie. "What the-?" Snape spots Draco, ron & Hermione..."IM GOING TO GET YOU THREE!!!" And Snape runs out chasing Draco, Ron, and Hermone.
THE END (this is my first EEFFD and i completed it. i hope its funny/good! lol. it was due Feb. 24, but i completed it a week early. lol)