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Old 02-17-2005, 12:07 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Evy silently agreed with her fellow classmates.

"I also know that he used to drop lead, wood, and paper balls from the top of the Pisa tower, and that it's that way that he discovered that all of these balls, whatever their weight was, had the same movement. Also, even though he was an admirer of Copernic's work, he taught his students that the Earth was the center of the solarsystem because he didn't want to attract attention to himself I guess. Concerning astronomy, Galilei was the one to discover Jupiter's satellites and he also made the remark that the moon wasn't a perfect sphere."

Evy didn't know if she had to continue speaking, but she really wanted to gain points for Hufflepuffs since they had lost so many in Divination.

"He also observed that the diameter of Venus could vary, and that way he emmited the hypothesis that Venus moved around the Sun. Galilei published an essay concerning the different systems of the world called: *Evy took a breathe* Dialogue où dans les rencontres de quatre journées il est disserté au sujet des deux principaux systèmes du monde, le ptoléméen et le copernicien, en proposant sans aucune détermination les raisons philosophiques et naturelles tant en faveur de l’une que de l’autre des parties. That could win an award for the longest title ever written, and even though it would be a pleasure for me to translate it to you, I guess it would just annoy you more than anything, right? But if you insist..."

Evy chuckled.

Last edited by Evy; 02-17-2005 at 01:47 AM.
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