Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 715
| thanks for the Happy Valentines but I didnt have a good one,lol Tony was up in the dorms he was talking to Billy Tye's twin brother. When suddenly he felt pain on his arm like a burning sensation. "Does you arm hurt?" he asked Billy "Yeah" he said looking at his arm "Darklord"They both whispered and started looking for Zee When Zee saw them her face was pale she didnt want to go see Voldemort, she didnt want to because of the secret that she couldnt tell anyone for the secret that her and Tony had been keeping all these years. If she went back she'd be scared that the secret would leak out and from her mouth.She was afraid for the safety of the ones she loved like Billy and Tony. "I cant go"she said tear coming in her eyes "Im scared" Tony knew exactly what she was feeling since they were twns they had this special bond and Tony could feel Zee's emotions. Billy loooked at Zee he was worried "It's ok"he said looking at her "I wont let anything happen, neither will Tony" he said looking at Zee with his eyeliner written eyes. "ok"Zee said she was so scared then Snape came out from the Shadows "come on" he said "we dont have that much time we dont want to keep him waiting" he said and Zee and Billy followed him, Tony on the other hand snuck to the Gryffindor corridor. Thats all for now I'll post more later and I appreciate all the reviews guys
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