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Old 02-09-2005, 03:04 AM   #27 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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"aww wittle Tony is seeing a Griffy" Draco said he appeared from a corner.
"and....atleast I"Tony said but Draco cut him off.
"tut tut Tony better be nice wouldnt want anything happening to Zee"he said menasingly
"What? You better not or I'll..."Tony said but once more Draco cut him off
"you'll what get a Gryffi on me" Draco said there was a menasing Glint in his eye.
"whatever"Tony said and started walking towards the common room
"I'd be nicer if I were you" Draco said "you dont know what I'm capable of"
"oh Im so scared" Tony said mimckingly and entered the Common room. "I wouldnt be so confident in what your saying" tony said
"Why? I do have Zee wrapped arpund my finger" he said sitting down on a couch.
"Actually you dont"Tony said with a smirk.
"What do you mean?"Draco asked
"I dont know ask Tye's twin bro?"Tony said
"whatever?"Draco said "wait what do you?...."he said but Tony walked back up to the dorms.

Zee was walking to the common room and someone grabbed her arm and spun her around.
Hope you guys like this post, its short thogh cause i have to go to my other fic and update on thet one too And I apprecite you guy's reviews and if you have ideas or comments of how i could make it interesting that would be greatly appreciated

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