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Old 02-08-2005, 12:32 AM   #24 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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AWW thanks Lizzie *feels special*

"wonderful night, isnt it"Tony said to Hermione as they closed in on the humans.
"yeah"Hermione said she was grabbing hold of Tony's hand as the closed in on them. Tony walked up from behind the humans and he got out a bottle and the stench made them pass out for a while.
"come on"Tony said and slit a smaal slit in one of the humans throats "there" he said handind Hermione the human "ladies first" he said smiling his fangs were glinting with the moon light. Hermione bent down and sucked some of the humans blood. "that's good" Tony said "remember the rules"he said and spit on the humans neck to heal it up. Tony then drank from the other human and did the same. They then flew back to hogwarts and tony walked hermione to her commons "well bye" he said and kissed her on the cheek

Again it's really short but I appreciate the reviews

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