Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising The last thing on Kartik's mind was anything about dating. Sure his sister had a boyfriend or two, but his interests were on his education. Somehow his name had gotten thrown into the mix from this silly little Witch Weekly thing. His sister probably put his name down. Or maybe even Diamond herself threw everyone's name in from their year. However his name got in, he also wasn't one to back down from a challenge even if he found the notion ridiculous.
What wasn't ridiculous was seeing the person he was meant to be paired with shivering. "You must be Rose?" Which was all the information he'd received about this date. He held his arm for her to take. "Kartik. Kartik Joshi. Shall we get you inside?" Thinking the word with big letters DATE made Rose feel both excited, nervous and scared. She had thrown her name in the Witch Weekly hat, and hadn't exactly considered what she was getting herself into until it was too late. The simple fact was that she had never been on a date. What did you do on a date? Talk obviously, but what else? Rose did not know. Where you expected dress in a certain way or act in a certain way? Sadly she was clueless and her housemates hadn't exactly been helpful with all the their teasing and laughther.
Standing in front of the most haunted place in Hogsmeade, and shivering she was very glad when the guy she was meeting showed up. Plastering on a warm smile she affirmed as she took his offered arm. "Yes, I'm Rose. From Gryffindor. Are you a lion too? It's very nice to meet you Kartik." Looking past Kartik up at the shack she queried suddenly nervous "Have you been in the shack before? Is it safe to go inside?"
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