~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Vesp! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Squeeeeee! Her big sister heart! Vesper would melt if she knew that she could expect this in the future. Viano's tender heart and his love for his family was a perfect match for hers. She couldn't have ever asked for a better baby brother.
Yes, yes she was. There was no denying it. Not that she would even try. Vi's suggestion to bring Emi to the Three Broomsticks made her smile. {"We can do that. I think Emi would love that."} Meh, there was no reason to try to be cunning with her. If Vi wanted sweets, sweets he would get. {"Sounds like a good plan to me."} He was always welcome to hangout with them as long as he liked. {"Ah, okay. Well I'm always around too if you ever need someone else to train with." True she wasn't great at Quidditch but she knew the basics.
Of course! When it came to sweets she never messed up. Seeing the smile on his face as he came over to help with the trays brought a wide smile to her own. {"Thanks."} Vesp sat herself down beside him, taking a butterbeer into her hands. {"Everything okay? You know you can talk to me about anything.. anytime that you need to."} There was no bothering her when it came to him. So it was safe to say that all of her attention was focused on him. She was listening.
Then it was settled that Emi would be joining him and Vesp at the Three Broomsticks later, and that he would be having a second round of sweets. Ah, how Vi loved his new life, even if he missed Italy! How fortunate he was the day he had met the Thanatos-Misra family! And yes, he knew he could always rely on Vesper to help him with anything, Quidditch training included. Vi would definitely nudge her anytime that Di wasn’t up for being out on the pitch.
The first bite of brownie was heaven. Vi actually closed his eyes for a second as he indulged the rich flavour. {“I know,”} he said warmly, truly grateful for Vesper’s easy-to-talk-to personality. {“Everything’s great. It’s just that I think I’ve developed a crush on someone for the first time? But it doesn’t matter since they like someone else.”} That last bit hurt but Vi always pushed that hurt away when he felt it. {“It’s Di, by the way. Please don’t let him know I’ve told you this. There’s no way I ever want him to know how I feel.”} So if Vi had to suffer in silence, that was exactly what would be done. |