SPOILER!!: Jan! <3
Originally Posted by
Charely Potter
Jan smiled to hear that the mess was okay before it would be cleared up. Maybe there was a fragment of his fear from upsetting the Professor back in his first year, but such memories rarely ever came to his head. He always felt safe in the class since then. He gave it one more trial run, where the pumpkin slowed almost instantly and once again fell into a heap of pumpkin chunks.
Then it was nearly time for the lesson to end with a question posed. "I think it was challenging, because the speed was always different, so trying to will it the way you want to on command made it more easy to make mistakes. But it got easier the more I tried, so I think that helps build more experience so that you're ready in the face of danger." Jan answered when it was his turn. He'd definitely have to practice more later on.
That… wasn’t the actual Dhruv that Jan had upset but their Mirror version. Those Mirror moments were perhaps the only aspect of their life that they disliked. That version would never be upset by a student.
Dhruv couldn’t have been more pleased with Jan’s progression throughout the lesson; they were certain that he would excel at DADA OWL. “Speed is indeed a factor, yes. Some would find it easier to control if the speed was on the slower side, while it would be the opposite for others. As with many things, it varies with individuals. Experience will always remain key in whatever new spell is being learnt.” Which is precisely why the homework will be comprised of such instead of an essay.
Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch
When JT had gotten the wand movement wrong for the 4th time, he was ready to give up. Iris however came to the rescue and gave him a helpful tip to think like he was drawing a sharp pencil stroke with no swishing or flourishing. "Thanks Iris," he murmured with a sideways glance. "I'll try that." Trying to do it like Iris suggested JT felt how the wand movement came more fluently when he practiced which caused him to smile a little. He was glad for Iris sake some minutes later too when she got awarded points for assisting him.
Several minutes later JT followed his peers over to stand behind the yellow line next to Iris facing the pumpkins with jack-o-lantern faces. He didn't like the look of them, and was glad that he was holding his wand. Gripping his wand tightly he listened to the instructions. So he was supposed to try and stop the pumpkins from crossing the line by casting the Impedimenta jinx at them. It was reassuring to know that if he failed the pumpkins wouldn't attack him.
When a pumpkin started to move towards him at low speed JT quickly aimed his wand at the pumpkin and casted firmly "Impedimenta!" As luck had it his aim was off by a little, and when the pumpkin came even closer, he had to duck low to the ground to avoid impact. Yikes. He'd get the next one.
Trying again, JT casted again "Impedimenta!" This time, he slowed the pumpkin down, but it still kept moving so he panicked, and casted with a cry "Impedimenta!" this time he accidentaly managed to blast the pumpkin with force backwards so it hit the back wall and smashed into pieces. Oops.
In his last attempt JT took time to aim well before casting firmly "Impedimenta!" to stop the incoming pumpkin, and this time it actually stopped before it got to the line which felt like a big success. When the practice session ended JT pocketed his wand, and raised his hand to reply in response to Professor Khanna's questions. "I think for me it was challenging since I got different outcomes in every pumpkin stopping attempt. I think that happened because I didn't aim well enough or got panicked or didn't know what I intended to happen. I assume more practice is the only way to get better at casting spells."
JT’s progression too was one that pleased Dhruv. It was quite rewarding to a professor to witness the determination most students would show followed by the eventual success. Dhruv sent the Slytherin a nod of approval when that pumpkin smashed after being blasted backwards, pieces joining others already on the ground.
“Understandable, Mr. Forsfelle. Being able to say an incantation, aim while performing the correct wand movement and keeping a clear head can be tricky at times. Practising mindfulness through methods such as concentration meditation is one way to help with keeping panic at bay.” Concentration meditation activities are something Dhruv held at least once a term for this exact reason.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * “It was wonderful seeing all the progress you made today, everyone.” It truly was. There was no need to bother tallying the pumpkins sitting behind the students as there weren't that many collectively, a testament to a successful activity session.
“As we have long established, practise is key to mastering a spell. For that reason, for homework you are required to visit the Dueling Arena at least once before the week is over to practise the Impediment Jinx with a dummy. I will be dropping by ever so often to assist and to monitor your progress.” The dummies, if blasted backwards, unlike the pumpkins, would suffer no damage.
“Class is dismissed. Don’t forget to grab your coats as you’re bound to feel that chill eventually on your way back to the Castle.” OOC: That’s a wrap! I appreciate you guys for posting! <3 The thread will remain open for a few more hours should you need to have your student answer the final question or post them leaving