Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Impediment Jinx
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Old 02-17-2025, 03:19 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
JT was sitting next to his favourite girl at school, meaning Iris and taking down some notes on the lethifold. He had greeted Professor Khanna upon entering earlier with a wave and a 'good day sir!'. The question on the blackboard had given him pause, it was slightly peculiar why Professor Khanna wanted them to think of spells wouldn't work against a lethifold when they usually were supposed to think up spells would work. Curious, very curious.

When asked for a spell answer earlier JT had raised his hand and said "Stupefy is a spell that won't work because the lehifold is immune to almost all spells." Lethifolds were pretty creepy creatures that looked like a rippling black cape and that in JT's opinion was definitley a creature that could show up in his nightmares.

Righto, focus on spell practicing. "Im-PED-i-MEN-ta, Im-PED-i-MEN-ta, Im-PED-I-MEN-ta!" he chanted quietly to himself over and over and over again to not disturb Iris. Hoping that the incantation would get stuck in memory. JT then swished this way and that with his wand trying to get the wandmovement down. He didn't know if he was on the right track since they had no object or creature to try it on and sneaking looks at Iris wasn't helping either.

Looking up at the sound of Professor Khanna's voice he paused his work, carefully putting down his wand. He didn't want to accidentally set soemthing on fire. Hearing the questions JT his hand to offer "The surrounding environment must factor into if the target is stopped all together, just halted or pushed backwards as well as the strength of the spell casted. If the target was in this room then it'd be for example stopped by both desks, and walls with no way to go. I think the Impedimenta spell would be useless against armoured creatures like acromantulas since the spell would bounce off their armour and not cause the creature any real discomfort."

Dhruv had acknowledged that Stupefy, like most other spells, were ineffective against Lethifolds. Yet again, this was a form of reminder that it was important to deduce what creature, being or spirit was being dealt with so that no time would be wasted in throwing ineffective spells against them. The time being wasted could prove to be vital to making one’s escape.
Even if JT had not been confident in knowing if the jinx would work with him, his incantation practise remained on point. The wand movement, however… that was a different story. Fortunately, Iris offered some effective assistance. “Give it another try, Mr. Forsfelle,” they encouraged .

Seeing JT’s hand rise first, Dhruv called on him. “The environment usually plays a key part in any situation,’’ they agreed. “It can be a big help to you should you determine a way to use it to your advantage, as was mentioned in your answer. Hurtling those tangible objects would indeed cause some degree of inconvenience to a corporeal form that’s after you. Strength of the casted spell is another key factor.” Dhruv would elaborate on this in a few minutes. “Acromantulas are a great example of a beast which the jinx is mostly useless against. I use the word ‘mostly’ loosely because the Impediment Jinx can be effective if it hits the underbelly of the Acromantula. There is no protective armour there. It's the same for Blast Ended Skrewts.”

SPOILER!!: Jan! <3
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Jan felt encouraged by the words of affirmation that Professor D gave him. His little brother's frustrations, he could sense were growing so he took the time to do that in between his practices, "Im-PED-i-MEN-ta" He said aloud, before it was time for another set of questions.

After considering, he answered when it was his turn. "I think, it really depends on how you feel and your intention. If a Lethifold is about to grab my face, I'd first want to push it back and away from me! So it'll probably do that when successful. But if you have something coming at you from a far enough distance, your intention will change to make them slower so you have more time to get away." But what creature would it not work on? "I don't think it would work well on a Dementor, since they feed off your fear and make it more difficult for you to have the spell work compared to the Patronus charm."

Jan hit the proverbial nail on the head with his response. “Precisely. Intent is something that you are reminded of constantly during your classes here at Hogwarts. The first step to making a spell with multiple purposes work for you is to decide what you want that purpose or outcome to be. The next is casting the spell with the correct incantation and wand movement combination, along with your intent and focus. This also determines how long the target is slowed for, though it’s not typical more than a dozen seconds or so.” Dhruv allowed their gaze to travel around the class. These were key points each student should keep in mind. “That is also correct. For that reason, it is important to use the spell designed for the challenge you are facing, if you can. If you cannot, improvising is best in which using your surroundings to your advantage as Mr. Forsfelle mentioned.”

SPOILER!!: Iris! <3
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Iris hesitated for a fraction of a second, the question lingering at the tip of her tongue. Why introduce the spell in a negative context - why frame the lesson around what wouldn’t work rather than what would? Would knowledge that the Impediment Jinx had been documented as useless against Lethifolds for ages appease her? She would likely find the logic was sound and certainly agree that ruling out ineffective options helped refine understanding. Still, most likely it would feel a little… disappointing. Was that really all there was to it? No deeper reason, no hidden nuance to uncover? Her work with dead languages had a way of making the simple things in life feel decidedly lackluster - so it goes, as the stars align.

In the end, she let the thought drift away, choosing instead to shake her head lightly. "No, not really, Professor. Just thinking." And she was. But not about what she was supposed to be per say.

Instead, she turned back to her practice, muttering the incantation under her breath. The syllables were deliberate, each one carefully shaped until they sat comfortably on her tongue. Her wand traced the movement - clean, precise, the arc growing smoother with each repetition. When Professor Khanna’s nod of approval came, she acknowledged it with a small, satisfied dip of her head before refocusing. Well, at least the strawberry blonde had every intention of refocusing. The moment she heard JT quietly chanting the incantation to himself, her resolve wavered. For a moment, she simply observed, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Then, as he flicked his wand at an awkward angle for the third time, she decided to intervene.

"You're overcomplicating the motion," she said, keeping her voice just as quiet so as not to startle him while leaning over to gently tap on his shoulder. "It’s more of a short diagonal this." She demonstrated, her wand gliding cleanly through the air. "About five inches. No flourishes, no swishing." Iris flashed him a confident smile, her voice bright and light. "You totally got this, JT. Like a sharp pencil stroke when you're sketching."

When it was time to move on, Iris removed herself from JT's personal space and settled back into her seat. She took a moment to carefully consider the professor's latest query. She soon her hand, her voice clear and measured as she spoke. "As already mentioned, intention of the caster plays an infallible role in the potency and performance of a spell. I assume that throwing the target back is the result of a spell done more hastily, fueled by desperation to get the target as far from themselves as possible. Whereas it takes more of a methodical and concentrated casting to stop a target completely. I'd wager that intention plays the more pivotal role than environment, assuming environment excludes what makes up the target itself." Because, as they were about to get to, non-corporeal targets where an entirely different subject. "As I sort of mentioned earlier, spells like this are ineffective against non-corporeal creatures because they lack a physical form that can be manipulated. The spell relies on creating resistance or obstruction to movement, and because these creatures don’t have a physical body, it has nothing to really latch on to no matter how strong the intention of the caster may be." As for what creatures would it not work against, well, armoured and non-corporeal creatures really just covered that all, did it not? Which instead raised a question, a curiosity, that Iris felt more inclined to ask. "Though I find it hard to want to use such a spell against them, given thestrals do have physical bodies but those bodies are only visible and therefore tangible to those who meet particular requirements, is it possible to use the spell against them or does their semi-ethereal state connected to the spiritual realm of death mean they too are resistant?"

Dhruv’s gaze lingered on Iris a fraction longer than necessary before nodding. If she changed her mind, she was welcome to reach out to them after class or at any time time they were available at their office. The help she offered to JT, however, did not go unnoticed. They smiled to themself before offering, “Five points for assisting and encouraging a friend, Ms. Harden.”

The professor did like it when the students built on each other's answers. “A good train of thought. Any outcome of the spell must be the intent of the caster, it need not necessarily boil down to the emotion they are experiencing in the moment - desperation, fear, pain, joy etc. The use of the environment can be more of a ‘Plan B’ if spells fail. So yes, intention is more important.” An excellent point was raised about Thestrals after another moment of sharing some helpful reminders. “Unlike the non corporeal creatures, Thestrals do have a corporeal presence even though they are only visible to some of us. To back up this point, someone who cannot see a Thestral is still able to sit on its back for a ride, they remain tangible even if invisible. Therefore, it is possible to use the Impediment Jinx against them."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

“That brings us to the end of our discussion for now. If you would return your belongings to your bags, then leave your bags at the coat rack…” There were still spaces there for the students to do just that. The professor gave them some time to complete the task. But Dhruv didn’t just stand around there; not when there was the Pumpkin Patch to prepare for the main activity. The tree stumps all vanished in the blink of an eye with an effective hand movement. The whiteboard was magically moved {carefully as to avoid any accidents with the students} so that it came to a rest just beside the coat rack. The information pertaining to the jinx was still there should anyone needed to refer to it.

Finally, the ground on which they were all standing transformed into an exact replica of a race track used by Muggles for their track events. Pumpkins of varying sizes {though not the boulder sized ones} rose into the air before soaring as one to the end of each lane where they remained hovering.

“Please stand behind this yellow line.” They indicated to the bold yellow horizontal line. “One student per lane. Now as you can see, at the opposite end of where each of you is standing is a pumpkin. They are charmed to charge towards you at varying speeds. Your goal is to use the Impediment Jinx to keep them from crossing the line behind which you stand. Should the pumpkin cross the line, they will sit there just behind you for the duration of the activity. This will serve as a tally to determine who managed to keep their pumpkins at bay the longest, and a new pumpkin will replace it. For extra motivation to keep them away, the pumpkins are carved, much like sinister jack-o-lanterns.” The pumpkins all took on wicked expressions characterised by twisted smiles and the other assorted features that they wore during Halloween.

“Ready your wands. On the count of three. One… two… three!’’ The targets began closing in on the corresponding student, all at a slow pace for now.

OOC: Hiya! The main activity starts here and will last for three days {until Wednesday 19th February in the late evening}. You are free to determine at what speed the pumpkin targets your character, and how many they are able to keep away or cross the line I shall be checking in and posting where necessary.
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