Thread: Lesson: DADA: The Impediment Jinx
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Old 02-12-2025, 02:11 AM
FearlessLeader19 FearlessLeader19 is offline
Default DADA: The Impediment Jinx

One of the wonderful things about magic was that Charms could be used to protect one from the elements, particularly on this January morning. You’re able to make your way towards the Pumpkin Patch without hindrances as the path to it has been cleared. As you approach the Patch, you will feel the temperature rise to one that was comfortable enough for you to enjoy today’s lesson; a measure put in place only for the next few hours.

Professor Khanna awaits you in the temporarily magically extended Patch, giving you a break from being cooped up in the Castle due to the weather. As with their previous lessons held outdoors, there are tree stumps for you to get yourself comfortable on. The whiteboard, upon which a question is written, faces these stumps while a short distance behind the board is a neat pile of freshly grown pumpkins. Yes, they had thrived, magically of course, despite the cold weather.

Your professor greets you before gesturing to the coat rack which was magicked to be suspended in the air and within reach of even first years. Should you no longer need your coat, the rack was just to the side of the gate through which you entered for your use.

Don’t forget to pay attention to the words on the board!

“A Lethifold is about to attack. Which spell would you not use?
Please do not voice your answer until you are called upon.”
Have a seat and ponder your answer!

Lesson Progression:

OOC: heyyy, lovelies! Welcome to the OOC lesson of the term! Kindly keep in mind that it would not be the first DADA lesson to be taught IC-wise. This is also a gentle reminder that all rules - lesson and general site apply for the duration of this RP! We'll get started in about 24 hours :3