Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium She may have had a good point, but so did he. "Of course I have." All her life she has knew Uncle Adi and exactly what he's like. "Perfect! We can start tomorrow if you want." Bry smiled brightly. Working out together was going to be so much fun! The way they always looked out for one another and gave each other the gentle pushes that they needed to succeed was going to really help them both. This much she was sure of. Not to mention the fact that it would allow them to spend even more time together was a major plus in her eyes.
There was never any doubt about it, Aryan was the best boyfriend! He always had been even waaaaay back when before they became official and it was all one sided. The way he looked out for her, was exactly how she looked out for him. Closely. Protectively. As per normal for her, the moment Ary sat himself down beside her, Bry rested her head against his shoulder, fingers clapping his lightly. "Let me win?!" She mock gasped, shaking her head without lifting it off his shoulder. "I don't need you to let me win." If she was going to win, she'd do so fair and square.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |