The Gay Agenda™< >Homiesexual uwu "Like a wand? Or a broom?" Maddox responded, still focused on his cards. That saying didn't hold much water when it came to magical objects. "The portraits in the stairwell? The Sorting Hat?" He wanted to really hammer home this point. Magic was fluid and mysterious, but they all chose to trust certain things about it. Divination, the cards, they were no different. "And you did ask." Because she had.
Maddox gave a small, awkward smile at the shoulder bump. He didn't pick that card for her—no reason to get so testy with him. But he'd let it go, for now, which to be clear was not something he did for people. "Gullible? I don't think," he said, giving Calliope a resentful look. She thought he, of all people, was gullible? She really mustn't know him all too well. Was that really what he seemed like? "You'd have to kill me for me to let these cards out of my sight." Besides, he knows what his own cards that he's had for years look like. The little creases and imperfections on them. Someone wouldn't be able to swamp them under his nose all too easily. |