An unlikely and charming little duo! Mweheheh The Gay Agenda™< >Homiesexual uwu Of all the bustling spaces Maddox could be in the castle, the courtyard was probably his favorite. More so when it was quiet, of course, but when there were a lot of people around it was alright, too. He liked sitting in the archways of the cloister rather than on the benches—less people to sit next to that way. He'd gotten enough of being right next to people when he was in classes, and at meals, and in the hallways, and in the dorms. Any chance he had to be more than five feet away from someone, he took. It was getting late in the afternoon and the sun was beginning to set, a slight breeze was blowing leaves across the cobblestones and not many other people were around. So it was the perfect conditions for him, really.
He sat cross-legged across the piece of stone, just enough space to sit comfortably and shuffle his cards. He had been practicing every day the proper way to shuffle his tarot cards, splitting the deck evenly in half and bending them just enough so the ends would fwip down past his thumb and onto each other. It wasn't quite right every single time—sometimes the cards would lay unevenly and be a struggle to push back together into one stack, sometimes he would bend them too far and a couple would fly out—but he was getting more consistent with it. It was a semi-regular thing to see him doing in between classes or during down time next to the windows in the common room. Something about being next to an open expanse of darkness felt right when practicing cartomancy. |