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Giant Squid The sun was out in all its glory. The students were back. It was time for new adventures. It was time to hopefully meet some friendly human faces.
The ancient squid used the usual movement jet propulsion to lazily take himself closer to the shores of the lake just in the vicinity of the fabulously huge beech tree. Now where were the humans? Surely it wouldn’t take one or two incredibly long to notice him?
Lily was exploring more of the castle grounds, she was curious of what else the great Hogwarts had to offer. Walking down towards the lake she gasped at the giant squid chilling by the beech tree, was that normal or was it every now and then? Walking over towards it, Lily was contiguous not to scare it or anything, she didn't know what it'll do if frightened.
"Hello Mr. Squid you are a boy squid right? Sorry... I'm new here, I transferred from Ilvermorny. Are you having a good day? Lovely weather here, not quite used to it, back home it'll be getting cold already or snowing. Oh, silly me I'm Lily."
She wondered if the Squid had a name, maybe it did and she didn't know it yet. Well obviously she didn't, she was new here.