Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee Oh. My. Goodness. You guys, I can barely contain myself—I’m finally here! After years of dreaming, reading, and hearing endless stories from my siblings, I am officially at Hogwarts! HOGWARTS! *insert happy squeal here.*
Don’t get me wrong, Ilvermorny was amazing, and I’ll always have a soft spot for it. But Hogwarts? It’s like stepping into a storybook! And the best part? It’s practically in my backyard! Okay, not literally, but close enough. I mean, how could I not be over-the-moon excited to be here?
So today was THE day—Sorting Day. I’ve been waiting for this moment forever. All my siblings have gone through it, and now it was finally my turn. I tried to stay calm, but let’s be real, calm wasn’t happening. My heart was racing as one by one, students went up to the stool. The Sorting Hat would yell out their houses, and the tables would erupt in cheers. It was magical—literally! And then… it was my turn.
I took a deep breath and walked up to the stool. My hands were shaking just a little (okay, a lot), but I sat down and waited. The Sorting Hat barely even touched my head before it shouted—wait for it— “SLYTHERIN!”
YES! YES! YES! This is exactly what I wanted! I mean, don’t get me wrong, all the houses are amazing in their own way, but Slytherin has always felt like *me*. The ambition, the determination, the drive—I just knew it was where I belonged. And now it’s official! I practically flew off that stool and sprinted over to the Slytherin table. Everyone was cheering, and I could already feel the sense of camaraderie. My housemates were so welcoming, and I can’t wait to get to know them better. This is going to be the best year EVER.
I’ve got so much to look forward to—exploring the castle, learning magic (obviously), and making tons of new friends. Hogwarts is everything I hoped it would be and more. And being a proud Slytherin? It’s just the cherry on top.
Watch out, Hogwarts—Periwinkle is here, and I’m ready to make this year unforgettable!
__________________ if it weren't for the wind blowin', carryin' me to the wide open white lines rollin' and the tires smokin', it wouldn't be the rearview lookin' in if it weren't for the wind |