• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • #2 Sorting Hat {Group 12, Prompt 1} Idris Grunt & Paul Rocker: Sorting Hat Ceremony - September 2113 [Term 67; May 2024] “Paul Rocker”
Paul shoved past a few of his future classmates on his way to the stool in the middle. He sat as straight as possible to keep a proper posture. The hat was placed on his head. “Hmm… difficult. Many qualities suit you. But two stand out the most.. Gryffindor-”
Paul’s eyes glanced momentarily at where Idris sat with the Gryffindors smiling at him. His only friend. He didn’t deserve such a good person. “No. Not there, any place but there.”
“Well… if you’re so certain..”
“I am.”
Paul closed his eyes as he expected to hear Slytherin. “…HUFFLEPUFF!”
Last edited by Charely Potter; 03-07-2025 at 03:30 AM.