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Old 12-08-2024, 11:36 PM
FearlessLeader19 FearlessLeader19 is offline
Default 100 Tails for The Kneazle Kings - Sa13+

Welcome to the drabble challenge thread of Joel {Charely Potter} and Alicia {FearlessLeader19}! Drabbles found here will will follow the lives of our respective RPG characters Paul Rocker and Idris Grunt, who happen to be best friends! Any other character mentioned, will be listed under the spoiler tag below along with their corresponding RPer.

We hope you enjoy these drabbles!

Disclaimer: All characters from the Harry Potter Universe are owned by Ms. J. K. Rowling.

SPOILER!!: List of Mentioned Characters

Ean Feirgrund {Charely Potter}

SPOILER!!: List of Prompts

1. Gilt 2. Nobility 3. Rushing 4. Warmth 5. Crimson 6. Righteous 7. Fury 8. Sword 9. Kingdom 10. Roar

1. Judgement. 2. Roll call 3. Slick 4. Reign 5. Creek 6. Turtle dove 7. Silk sheets 8. Sunrise 9. Silver 10. Nocturnal

1. Barrels 2. Tickle the pear 3. Overstuffed armchair 4. Duffer 5. Midnight feast 6. Pay it forward 7. Broom polishing kit 8. Buddy system 9. Dedicated 10. Potato

1. Comfort 2. Dawn 3. Growth 4. Bed 5. Supper 6. Teapot 7. Photo 8. Desk 9. Hearth 10. Midnight

1. Spring 2. Summer 3. Fall 5. Feast 5. Winter 6. Snowball 7. Yule Ball 8. Orchideous 9. Lumos 10. Nox

1. Age 2. Caramelise 3. Flambe 4. Fold 5. Garnish 6. Hotchpotch 7. Scoop 8. Simmer 9. Sprinkle 10 .Whisk

1. Muggle Studies 2. Ancient Runes 3. Divination 4. Care of Magical Creatures 5. Arithmancy 6. Dragonhide gloves 7. Duel 8. Quidditch 9. Hogsmeade 10. Apparition

1. Patronus 2. Wand 3. Boggart 4. Expelliarmus 5. Incarcerous 6. Dumbledore's Army 7. Undetectable Extension Charm 8. Unbreakable Vow 9. Unite 10. Stupefy

1. Sorting Hat 2. Telescope 3. Quill 4. Dress robes 5. Common room 6. Whomping Willow 7. Portraits 8. Headmaster 9. Staircase 10. Dungeon

1. Veela 2. Kneazle 3. House elf 4. Owl 5. Pureblood 6. Muggle 7. Animagus 8. Thestrals 9. Leprechaun 10. Goblin
Completed Drabbles: 005/100

1. Spring
{Group 08, Prompt 01}

Spring was here!

An overjoyed Idris - in Animagus form of a cat - promptly leapt into action by leaping among the tall, green blades of grass.

Prance, prance, jump!

Prance, prance, jump!

“What an adventure!” he thought. “Paul must love this!” Id sprang around to see his partner in crime - also in cat form - sitting solemnly nearby. Id inclined his head, indicating Paul should join him in these many prances. Paul fixed him with an unamused look that declined the offer.

Id playfully rolled his eyes, intending to drag Paul with him but…

Ooh! A butterfly!

He chased after it instead.
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