Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna Here Marcus had been thinking on the substance and Ean seemed to on the right track to the application. “Tuh could work,” he agreed, absently touching his hand to his chin as his tried to elaborate on his collegue’s train of thought. “Tuere are a lot of plants that could work as a dye…ironically the subject of one of my lessons this year.” Ironic…coincidence…or just gosh darn completely helpful perhaps, even if the lesson was back in January and the herbologist had to think back. “Though I would rule out the woad, historically used as a type of tattoo ink. We want tuh bring back color, not permanently stain blue.” Even being washed out of color was better than being like one of those muggle smurf things. “How about something with water-diluted bubatubah pus and fluxweed, the fluxweed modifying everything’s current appearance much like it does in Polyjuice potion?” It seemed like a good thought to work with as they did want to cause a change or return to normal if they could manage this. “Perhaps create one or two variants adding different dye plants to the mixture to see what works best.” Moly come to mind, the professor thinking its own magical properties might help pull it all together.
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