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Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
Posts: 214,410
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dhruv Vihaan Khanna Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Idris Ace Grunt Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Krittika Saanvi Joshi Ravenclaw Sixth Year
x12 x12
| ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Replies! SPOILER!!: Bry! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Of course she was curious, Professor! Anyone that knew her would know very well that if a place seemed shady, she would want to check it out. The appeal of mystery was clearly there. Now, what was important here though, was that she had been right about the song being a hint. This was good.
Bryony caught the grin from Beauden, her own smile widening all the more now and she bounced excitedly where she sat. A small giggle slipping past her lips when he said it couldn't be vampires. She sure hoped not! Vampires didn't sing anyhow, did they? The blonde glanced at Ary. "Do vampires sing?" He would know for sure, yes?
Did she know the answer though... Ummm... She thought so but by the time she was ready to answer they were moving on. No biggy. The answer was revealed! Erklings! That was it! They sang that song so they could lure in children! Right away her hand went up. "They're small. Even smaller than I am!" she exclaimed through a giggle. "Only about three or so feet tall." As that was said, Bry held out her hand to show how tall that might be. Definitely shorter than she was. “Indeed a few of them do,’’ Dhruv replied. “One of the most popular singing vampire is, as Mr. Wild said, is Blodwyn Bludd. He hails from Wales and is known as the Vampire from the Valleys.” However, since this wasn’t a lesson on Blodwyn and vampires in general so they moved it along.
Soon enough, Dhruv was calling on Bry once more. “Correct,’’ the replied, grinning as she compared her height to Erklings. “Three feet is the height of an average adult Erkling, meaning they’re larger than gnomes.” Though he wouldn’t say Bryony was that small. SPOILER!!: Jan! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
Perhaps Jan was a little too distracted by the sight of the fortress or the song that his attention was delayed. At the first question, he thought about a Sphinx with their natural ability to speak in riddles and the song was in a similar form. But rather than vocalize this, he awaited on the correct answer. At least that's what he would've said when shoulder bumped by his buddy to pay attention. Erklings. They were quite creepy looking from the pictures Jan saw of them in the book. He smiled at Bry's response before he chimed in for a suggestion. "Since they like to cackle for children's attention, could Langlock work against them?" Jan thought it would make it all the more difficult to lure without being able to utter a word or noise.
There was no answer from Jan on the first question which made Dhruv wonder if he had zoned out. That didn’t seem to be the case since the Snake spoke up for the next one. “ An excellent question. Yes, Langlock is quite a useful spell in an encounter with an Erkling. Since their tongue would be glued against the roof of its mouth, their cackle would be muffled and not be as effective.” SPOILER!!: Beauden! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoe Beauden's eyes widened in excitement as he heard the topic of the lesson: Erklings. He straightened up, clearly thrilled at the prospect of learning more about these dangerous creatures. He'd heard stories about Erklings, of course—vaguely, and mostly as cautionary taless meant to keep them from wandering too far into the woods, especially at night.
But in those stories, the creatures felt like distant, shadowy figures. Today, though, the idea of encountering one face-to-face was thrillingly real.
The Gryffindor's hand shot up, and he leaned forward eagerly. "Professor, I remember reading about an Erkling attack in Fantastic Beasts"—one of the few books he had ever willingly opened and read—"and, apparently, some little kid managed to stop one with just a whack to the head using a collapsible cauldron." His eyes sparkled with both humour and admiration for the kid's quick thinking. "So... anything involving blunt force might work."
He grinned, imagining the chaotic scene. The image was equal parts nerve-wracking and absurd. Keeping that in mind, he mulled over the types of spells that would have a similar effect without the need to get that close. "For spells," he continued, "Expulso could blast them backward into a wall. And Stupefy could stun it, right?" “A mundane method such as strongly hitting an Erkling over the head certainly would do the trick. If not done in that manner, a moderate amount of force would still be enough to disorient the Erkling, allowing one to make their escape.” It was at this point Dhruv was beginning to wonder if Erklings happened to be one of Beauden’s favourite topics. “A combination of spells such as that of the Expulso Curse and the Stunning Spell can prove useful. Wonderful suggestion, Mr. Wilde.” They always appreciated a little extra thought into answers. SPOILER!!: Emma! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Emma had very nearly missed the announcement that today's lesson was to be outside by the Groundskeeper's hut. The eery song from the fortress had the fifteen year old distracted enough that she also missed the question as to what creature it could possibly pertain to. Beauden's guess about vampires was a good one though.... since vampires did like the night and darkness. But there were other creatures too, maybe a lethifold? When Professor Khanna revealed Erklings, it was a doh moment for Emma because of course she recalled reading about them. Well not reading per-say, but more was her brothers teasing her when trying to give her nightmares and make her cry. Which needless to say often worked.
She giggled when Bry made the exclamation about them being smaller than she was. And Beauden mentioning the blunt force could work or Jan talking about langlock since they liked to cackle at children. "I read once that protecting these fortresses with certain runestones is thought to help fight against Erklings." Having picked up ancient runes as an elective thanks to her father's suggestion maybe wasn't a bad idea after all.
The professor had been waiting to see if anyone would bring fortresses and runestones up; this was, naturally, the inspiration for today’s main activity. “Correct. This was a method initially done by members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force during the 2010’s. A protection runestone is one of the most important ones used.” * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As each student had spoken and Dhruv confirmed or corrected their answers, the points about Erklings appeared on the board. Once there were no more volunteers with answers, the professor added some other important points. “In addition to their height,’’ they said, once again moving between the columns of tree stumps. “Erklings can be recognised by their pointed faces. They favour victims in the form of children., and used to their advantage their high pitch cackles, as Mr. Grunt said. These cackles were enticing to children and because of this, the children are easily lured away from their parents or guardians.” They paused, allowing the students to digest this information. “Some Erklings also enjoy shooting darts at unsuspecting victims. However, these dart-shooting creatures originated from the Black Forest in Germany, and the difference between these and common Erklings is that they can speak human language.” Yes, that was… unsettling. “Attacks by the Black Forest Erklings were drastically reduced due to the stringent control methods the German Ministry of Magic adopted.
“There is another kind also originating from Germany called the Bavarian Erklings. wood, leaves and thorns. They possessed intimidating faces, complete with enormous yellow eyes, sharp teeth and long, pointy noses. They sang in human language while attacking, which meant it wasn’t necessarily English they sang in.” Given that these Erklings were from German, that is.
There was another pause while Dhruv gave the students time to make any notes they needed to. “Other spells that can be effective against Erklings include the Seize & Pull Charm, Pumpkin Head Jinx and Target to Chickens Jinx… the three of which will be today’s focus.” More words appeared on the board, this time detailing the spells Dhruv had just mentioned: Quote:
Originally Posted by Originally posted by Whiteboard Spell: Seize & Pull Charm Incantation: Carpe Retractum {KAR-pay ruh-TRACK-tum} Wand Movement: V-shape Light: Orange or Purple Spell: Pumpkin Head Jinx Incantation: Carpe Retractum {KAR-pay ruh-TRACK-tum} Wand Movement: V-shape Light: Orange or Purple Spell: Target to Chickens Incantation: Pullus {PULL-us} Wand Movement: Point Light: Pink “You have fifteen minutes to practise these three spells, after which we will proceed to the fortress for the remainder of the lesson. In the meanwhile, I will be around to assist but older students, please assist younger ones should they request your help.” There was only one of Dhruv so any assistance offered by older students was welcomed. OOC: Hiya, my peeps! Thanks much for your posts! <3 We’re now {obvs} at the mini activity which will last for three days. So while the main activity will not start until Thursday 7th November around 11 PM EST, Dhruv and I will be around for interaction during the next few days. |