~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Following Aunty Hady’s lead, Ary slung both straps of his bag over his shoulders then stepped forward eagerly to the Portkey. He made such, of course, that Bry was right there with him by holding onto one of her hands. He figured that Aunty Hady wouldn’t mind if she chose him over her this time around. Besides, this would leave the woman to tend to any student who wasn’t confident about travelling by Portkey.
With his free hand, the Slytherin lightly grabbed a hold of the hula hoop and waited… waited until that tug around his middle and they were finally off! He grasped Bry’s hand even tighter and this time, when his feet touched the ground he barely stumbled. Huh. It seemed as though he was getting the hang of Portkey travel. “I’m good, thanks!” He was already recovering and was now bouncing on the soles of his feet, much like his dad did. Ary was already gazing around, itching to go see the Mooncalves. Obviously that would have to wait as he took off, following Hady. |