Thread: Lesson: Herbology : TBA
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Old Yesterday, 01:31 AM   #6 (permalink)
Holmesian Feline

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Marcus Briody Cole

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

SPOILER!!: Beery and Atreyu-Rehman
Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
Gillyweed stepped into the greenhouse, the cool January air giving way to a more temperate warmth as she crossed the threshold. The charm in place could be warmer, but she knew it was enough to keep the plants thriving. She immediately scanned the room, her sharp eyes catching sight of the two tarps covering what she assumed were today's focus points. Whatever Professor Cole had in store was bound to be intriguing.

When her brown eyes locked in on the man, the fourth year first took note of his demeanour. She then offered him a small smile with respectful nod, her voice soft but steady as she greeted him. "Hello, Professor."

Clad in clothes that had been dirty before, her dragonhide gloves tucked into her pocket, and a mortar and pestle in hand, Gillyweed proceeded to make her way to one of the benches. Once she was settled, she placed her tools and gloves down on the workstation with care.

Her attention flicked back to the tarps. What could be under there? Would they be harvesting something? Preparing a potion ingredient? Her fingers twitched at the thought of it—whether it was a plant with stinging barbs, toxic leaves, or something requiring precise handling, she was ready for it.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
By now, Ary had learnt that he didn’t need to figure out whatever the Professors were hiding. Sure, he usually was curious but why make a big deal of it when all would be revealed eventually? So, when the Slytherin saw the covered… plants? he simply played it cool as he stepped further into the Greenhouse. Even the one at the professor’s desk did nothing to send his curiosity off the edge.

Ary simply offered the man a smile and his signature greeting of a finger wiggle-wave then headed off to grab a seat beside Gilly. He nudged her on the arm. Hi, Gilly!

Professor Cole returned the nod with one of his own. “Hello Ms. Beery,” he greeted the girl who had proven a kindred spirit since the first random meeting in the greenhouses. Not a surprise to be the first to arrive. And then there was to be the youngest of a trio of siblings who also tended to be an early arriver, though from his colleagues that was a habit across all his classes. “Good afternoon, Mr. Atrey-Rehman," he greeted, his own finger wave aimed at the Slytherin in response to his choice of greeting.

SPOILER!!: Grunt and Murray
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

Jan was here and he was ready for another lesson. He entered in the Greenhouse after his other housemates. He wasn't too concerned about the weather given the time of the year and it was partially warmer than outside. He experienced worse during Quidditch practices. He eyed the tarps for a moment before deciding to leave the surprise as a surprise, "Hello, Professor," He smiled before going to his usual station.

Jan went over to where Ary and Gilly resided before smiling at them. Snakes just fit well in the garden setting, didn't they?

Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
Greer was excited for another lesson. Any chance to learn was okay by her. All though, Herbology obviously brought them outside frequenly which always meant they ran a risk of running into creatures. But none the less she was excited for the lesson.

"Hello Professor" Greer said as she passed by and began to prepare for today's lesson.

With a third arrival, it appeared as if the snakes were catching the worm today with their early appearances in class. “Hello Mr. Grunt,” he greeted the boy before he joined the others. Oh look…a young Ravenclaw who was clearly excited for the lesson. “Hello Ms Murray,” the herbology professor greeted the second year with a small smile. As she readied herself for the lesson, Marcus watched and waited as the rest of the students attending slowly but surely filed into the greenhouse.


After awhile, he gave a glance at his pocket watch and they were off, the professor closing the door and shutting off the last draft that would threaten the temperature of the greenhouse. “Let us begin…” Professor Cole remarked as he walked back to his workstation to lean slightly back against it on his palms. “We’re going to start with a refresher of sorts. “I know that during the course of our lessons together this term, I’ve shared at least one usage for the various plants that exist. I’m sure others have been shared by your previous professor.” For there were indeed many that could have been offered as different specimens were introduced to the Hogwarts students over the years.

“I want you all to give me what you remember being taught or any potential usages you can think of…” he stated, asking the first question of the course. “These can be both for magical and muggle plants…and those who live both in the ground and in the water.” He added, having thought to make sure to include them as well in mix.
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