~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Paul <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
Paul could feel a slight tickle on the back of his neck from Idris reaction. It was unnerving yet admirable how persistently nice he was. HE DIDN'T DESERVE THIS! He wanted to scream, but thanks to Nesquik, his urge to scream was granted though for a different reason. "...I was making a Nesquik shake again. Figured you'd want some too." Hence the strawberry and chocolate option. "I thought some chocoballs would go nicely with the drink. What do you think?"
Paul had to smirk though at Idris' cool altering slightly when his voice became firm with the Nesquik cat bundled in his arms. Looking all innocent, licking its own paws. He rolled his eyes, "Never better.." His mood was described as such. "I'm fine.. just a scratch. Nothing to fret over." Plus, Professor Feirgrund made him uncomfortable. Someone that big being all nice and helpful... it gave him uncomfortable shivers. No one that powerful displayed that kind of care. Maybe his Uncle TJ, but even he wasn't that tall. Then again, it would explain where Idris picked up the thoughtfulness from as he stared at him examining the little scratch on him. "I think your mum would do more than scrubbing... I still can't believe she said you could keep him. Didn't she complain about all the fur he sheds?"
It was simply in Id’s nature to be that persistently nice. Paul was the only person he had ever met - so far - that clearly needed more affection; it was just something that the Gryffindor sensed. In addition, it did help that he loved Paul platonically so that niceness came forth even easier. “You figured correctly,’’ Idris replied brightly. “I think it’s a great idea. We’ll be riding high on a sugar rush later on,’’ he added with a happy little giggle.
Oh, Idris knew when to be firm, knew when to set boundaries and that boundary setting was something he was hoping to teach Nesquik. The boundary of knowing when not to bite someone -_- He squinted at the little guy who was just thrown back there as though he hadn’t just bitten Paul. Shaking his fluffy head of hair, Id turned his attention back to his bestie. “If you’re sure. But if your foot continues to hurt later on, I’m going to drag you to see Dad E if I have to.” Id would let Paul know that he was being silly for having such thoughts about his Dad E. Ean Feirgrund would always be genuinely caring
Idris sniggered again. “You’re right. She would but only because she cares.” He shrugged next, trying not to look smug at Paul’s words. “She loves seeing me happy. Having Nes makes me happy,’’ he said simply. “Sometimes she complains but you can hear it in her voice that she’s not angry.” The Lion moved closer to the shelf and grabbed two chocoballs for himself. “Chocolate for you too, Paul?” he asked over his shoulder. |