Thread: Lesson: Potions Lesson: TBD
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Old Yesterday, 03:06 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fourth Year

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YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

SPOILER!!: student greetings <3
Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
Greer was also a little excited for Potions - it was a subject she found facinating! And she was rather quick to figure it out but she was like that with almost everything. She smiled at the Professor as she walked in "Hello Professor" She added as she took her seat and took out some parchment and a quill - getting ready to take notes as any good Ravenclaw would.

She was rather curious about the unnamed ingriedents in front of her.
Enthusiasm would certainly get one far, and was most definitely appreciated especially when seen in the younger students. "Hello Miss Greer, good morning." As far as the ingredients, time will tell very soon.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Why on earth anxiety would be ideal to accompany the students to this potions lesson was beyond Ary. Not that he was spending any time dwelling on it. Quite anxiety-free, the Slytherin arrived for the lesson. He thought it was great to be back since he had sort of missed attending certain classes. Potions had been one of them.

Spotting Adara, Aryan greeted her with a smile and the usual friendly finger greeting then made his way to a workstation. Er… why were there so little ingredients lurking around today? How very strange. Perhaps it had something to do with anxiety? Were they supposed to be anxious about the small number of the ingredients here today?
Anxiety-free was okay, and it was admittedly a strange request for a professor to be asking students to bring some anxiety with them. Especially for a subject as meticulous as potions. But there was a method to her madness.

Finger wiggle returned, "Good morning, Mr Aryan." He suspected at least one of his fellow slytherin fourth years would be along shortly.

Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
Beauden stifled a yawn as he settled into his seat, a direct result of staying up too late in the boys' dormitory (which he would not admit to if anyone asked). The festive energy of the holiday break felt like a distant memory, and the thought of diving back into Potions this early in the morning was a tough pill to swallow. But here he was; it was a new year and he—nope, he was still very much the same wild child, with the same restless spirit and insatiable curiosity.

"Good morning, Professor Adara," he replied, forcing a smile despite his lingering fatigue that tugged at his eyelids, before settling into a seat at one of the workstations.

His eyes flicked to the unlabeled containers, curiosity piqued. A mix of intrigue and apprehension swirled in his mind. What could be in those? He leaned slightly closer, peering at the labels as the ingredients were always intentionally labeled. His brow furrowed when all there was to make of the 'labels' was what seemed like random squiggly letters. Well, that was... incredibly unhelpful.

What if... he just 'accidentally' mixed the ingredients together... clearly for scientific purposes? The sixth year was tempted to let impulse get the better of him, but decided that it was probably for the best that he wait and not cause an explosion the first day back from holiday.
Curiosity was no sin. Seeing the older seventh year enter, she smiled back (unforced). "Good morning, Mr Beauden." As far as mixing the ingredients, it was theoretically what potion brewing was all about except that it was purposeful and intentional in terms of mixing them. Rather than haphazardly throwing everything into a cauldron.

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
One might have thought Giselle would have been reluctant to return to school after the holidays, given the odd mood she had been in upon said return. The truth was, said mood was more caused by knowing Brandon had had difficulties over the holiday, and she couldn’t fight anything regarding that whole situation. Truth was, while she’d obviously been able to (probably) see Rome over the holiday, along with the aforementioned visit from her brother’s boyfriend, she was just as happy to be back and see the others she’d developed connections with. Bronwen, Ezra, Celinde…yes, it was just as fun being back as it was being at home.

Therefore, it was hard to be anxious about the morning Potions lesson, especially when she enjoyed the subject as well as the professor. “Good morning, Professor Adara”, she greeted the woman with a smile, making her way toward her usual workstation with the briefest glance toward the few ingredients that were on display. Again, it wasn’t anything to trigger anxiety in her mind. Curiosity, maybe, but not anxiety.
Truth was she didn't intend for anxiety about the morning potions lesson. However sometimes the smallest bits of anxiety crept into ones life and that would have been enough. It wasn't necessarily required to brew the potion, as you can't very well bottle anxiety. If you could, she'd probably be winner of the order of Merlin, first class.

"Good morning, Ms Giselle." She greeted in return.

Turning her attention to look at all of them ready to learn / brew, Professor Adara decided it was probably best to get started. Several years into teaching, always the most challenging part was getting started. At least the lesson wasn't too early in the morning - sure some students would have preferred an after noon lesson - but 10:30 was quite the respectable time.

"Alright let's go ahead and get started as today's potion requires careful attention to detail so I'd much rather we all can take our time in following the directions precisely. One of the things that I asked you to possibly bring was anxiety. Quite the strange request, but the reason being is that today's potion with these four ingredients is a potion, if brewed correctly, relieves anxiety and agitation. However, if incorrect can put the drinker into a deep sleep."

"Given what you know about it's intended effects and that there are only four ingredients, anyone care to venture a guess as to what potion we're brewing today? If no ideas on the potion, if you noticed the ingredients are unlabeled. Any ideas what you could use to help identify the ingredients?"

ooc: lesson starting now, late arrivals will have consequences but you're welcome to join at any time just pretend as if you've been here the whole time!! First question is what potion might we be brewing today?? OR how can we identify unknown ingredients? Will move on in about 20-24 hours ...

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem

Last edited by PhoenixRising; Yesterday at 05:12 PM.
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