Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Hogsmeade weekends were the best in Emma's humble opinion. She'd never been sweet crazy, but she still enjoyed them and was even more excited to show her new friend all the British sweets. They'd compared some of the differences, but it wasn't the same as getting to actually experience Honeydukes !!! And afterwards they'd DEFINITELY be headed to the three broomsticks for a butterbeer, because you couldn't NOT do a trip without one. "Rooseeeee...." the blonde glanced behind her to see that the other girl was still there. "This is it !!!" she turned around to face her in a 'Ta-da, hands in the air pose', as if at the end of one of her dance recitals, but really it was just the sweets shop. Her first Hogsmode weekend! Rose was brimming with excitement as she followed in Emma's footsteps. Her friend had promised her that they were going to be tasting traditional British sweets whatever that meant. Didn't the British eat gummy bears and liquorice like the rest of the world? Emma was determined that Rose needed to experience HoneyJukes in real life and taste the sweets to understand what Emma was talking on an on about.
As Emma stopped so abruptly in front of one of the shops, Rose wasn't alert since she stared at another interesting sign, and walked straight into her friend. "Oh, I'm so sorriiiiiiiiiiie." She quickly blurted out as she reached out to grab her friends arms. "I wasn't looking where I was going...Are you all righty? I didn't hurt you?" Glancing up at the shop she beamed "So this is Honeyjukes?" she queried curiously.
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