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Old 10-04-2024, 01:43 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

The first student who came along was Rose, who Dhruv greeted. “Good afternoon, Ms. Snakebark. Good to see you.” It was always wonderful when students turned up to help out with assisting around the Castle. Faculty members too, of course, but Merlin! Sometimes they still had difficulty adjusting to Ean being so formal during certain times. “Thanks for joining us, Ean,’’ they replied with a smile. “Mr. Grunt.” D eyed that unusually wide grin. “I see you’re without your shadow - Mr. Atreyu Rehman.” Those words were hardly out of their mouth when Bryony joined the gathering with Aryan in tow. “Hello, Ms. Paton. Mr. Atreyu-Rehman.” It seemed the Slytherins in general, so far, were eager beavers to get the Hall decorated. “Professor Carton and I look forward to having her here.” Knowing Hady, she was most likely doing some last minute checks on the creatures.

Looking towards the staff table where the soft sweeping sounds could be heard as Arygle worked. Dhruv really did appreciate all that the elves did, and was grateful that a few would be there to assist with the cleaning up. “I think it’s time to get started.’’ A few students had just trickled in, including a very happy looking Idris and a grumpy-looking Paul. Dhruv glanced at Norman then stepped forward to address everyone.

“Thank you all for coming this afternoon. Don’t forget to partake in the goodies so graciously provided by the House Elves.” Why were those plum puddings seemingly {and figuratively} calling Dhruv’s name? “Today, our focus will be on tree decorating. As you can see, twelve trees have been installed around the Hall and they now require decorations. Before Professor Carton shows you a few handy spells, there is one in particular I wish to demonstrate to you. Now, the trees are coated with a light layer of snow, which would have accumulated while they were out on the grounds.” They gestured around the Hall at the said trees. “Soon, it will begin to melt, which means the ‘snow coated’ appearance of the trees will disappear. However, the snow - and in turn the appearance - can be maintained using the spell ‘Perpetua Nivis.”

Dhruv waved their hand so as they spoke, the words appeared on the board beside them. “Pronounced Pur-PET-you-Ah Nee-VIS, this spell allows snow to remain frozen until the counter spell - Finite - is cast.” To make the demonstration, Dhruv obviously needed their wand, which they unholstered. “The wand movement takes the shape of the letter Z in the direction of your target.” The professor demonstrated. “Ensure that you never break the flow of the movement. In other words, the movement must be completed in one fluid motion, starting at the top with a horizontal line followed by a short diagonal line and ending in another horizontal line.’’ This was just clarification should any student overthink by starting the movement from the bottom. "If done correctly, your target will glow ice blue for a few seconds. Ice blue can be recognised by the teal aqua-green tones.”

Using the tree at the staff dais, Dhruv gave everyone a visual of what was to be done, of what could be expected. “Perpetua Nivis.” The Z shape was done, and immediately the area covered in snow glowed that icy blue colour. The glow lasted for about five seconds before dissipating. “You are free to practise the incantation and wand movement separately for a few minutes after which professor Carton will move us along. If you need assistance, raise your hand and myself or one of the other professors will be there.”

Originally posted by board:
Spell: Everlasting Snow Charm
Incantation: Perpetua Nivis {Pur-PET-you-Ah Nee-VIS}
Wand Movement: Z-shaped in direction of target {starting at the top with a horizontal line followed by a short diagonal line and ending in another horizontal line; to be done in one fluid motion}
Light: Target will glow icy blue for a few seconds {recognised by teal aqua-green tones}

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ary grinned at the small gathering of professors and gave them his signature finger wiggle-wave from his place at Bry’s side. Was he excited to be here? Of course! He positively adored Christmas which was always celebrated quite lavishly within his family. Greetings for the professors out of the way, the fourth year followed Bry and went to join Jan and Rose with Ary poking Jan in the shoulder before sitting beside him.

As for the Charm professor Khanna had in mind for today, Ary was familiar with it since he had watched his dads use it on the trees around the Atreyu-Rehman home. Who knew, today just may be the first time he would be able to use it! For this reason, the guy was quite eager to get practising. “Perpetua Nivis. Perpetua Nivis. Pur-PET-you-Ah Nee-VIS,” came the words in a weird accent so unlike his regular one. For example, that T in 'Perpetua' was more pronounced so that the word sounded more like 'PerpehhTua'. Still, he found the incantation so easy that he was unbelievably confident that the charm could be mastered in no time. An yes, the wand movement was practised too.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺

Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 10-04-2024 at 01:55 AM.
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