Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium So was the way of a Paton. The confidence was nothing unusual. From whom did she get her confidence? Why her parents of course. Or perhaps her siblings? Namely one Logan Paton. Or erm well.. maybe she got her crazy from him. Anyhow, yes, the small blonde generally speaking was normally this way without even trying.. most days. "Not wrong, different." Bry corrected with a shake of her head and wide smile. If he had gotten it to work before then clearly he hadn't been doing it wrong.
A soft giggle escaped her lips. Her a lifesaver? Now that was a new one! "If you're absolutely sure, who am I to say no?" See, she wasn't unreasonable. It was a really nice offer from him and she would accept sometime.
If Bry wasn't giggling before as she followed Beauden into the kitchen, she was certainly now. "Someone's hungry," Came her simple reply. Trust her, she was used to grumbling tummies. And she wasn't only speaking from experience. A deep inhale of all the warm yummy foods was taken as bright blue eyes scanned the area around her. "What are you going after first?" She was asking because she herself now had no idea what she wanted! Some help here please!
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |