Thread: Hogsmeade: Zonko's Joke Shop
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Old 10-02-2024, 02:23 PM   #39 (permalink)
formerly: DanialRadFAN01

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kiera Burton

Default I like calling you Pixie thooo :3
Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher

SPOILER!!: Auggie remembers that game of bowling armor heads fondly...
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Winter was pretty fantastic. Winter meant the freedom to build epic snow forts and snowmen, race friends on sleds, having snowball fights, and the cold air tickling your cheeks and nose so much that it turned all rosy. There was also something rather special about how everything looked magical under a blanket of white and the addition of cozy nights by the fire with hot cocoa or chai were the perfect way to end a day of fun. Overall winter was pretty darn cool certainly wasn't Nyle's favorite. Especially since that blanket of white meant that almost all the greenery and flora were just gone until the warmth of spring (his favorite season) revived them and with winter just around the corner it was time to take preemptive measures! He could practically smell the petrichor in the air!

Obviously not thinking his actions through and reaping the consequences of them now, Nyle pushed open the door to the nearest shop and held it open with his bum while he pivoted himself inside with his hands cupped in front of him to tenderly hold something. He had wanted to visit Zonko's, just maybe not with a handful of dirt with a half shriveled on the verge of death pair clematis flowers drooping over the front.

"Oh...bother," the blond mumbled under his breath as he lightly jogged in place to preoccupy his thoughts from dwelling on his serious lack of forethought - the irony. " box...a can...oh anything um um..." he mumbled further as he meandered forward looking at the shelves and floors for any stock boxes that the shopkeeper may have left out. " me wouldn't happen to have seen any vacant little boxes or cans or anything of that sort, would you?" he inquired of a girl just around his age he came across during his fretting.

The shelves that lined aisle after aisle towered over Kier's head as she slunk from one to the other. They reminded her so much of the trees she loved to climb along the outskirts of her town back home or the cliffs of Dover that jutted above the sea, stark white against the storm grey sea below.

Her eye caught on fizzing whizbees, exploding gadgets, and finally on some rather innocent looking sweeties. Ah...Harry Armstrong would DEFINITELY fall for those! A mischievous grin spread on her face as she read the tantalizing effects on the brightly colored package of some puking pastilles.

Now that she had her revenge planned, she should probably start towards the checkout and slink back to her chair at her mum's table in the pub across the way before her absence was noticed. She had turned and had began to scamper along when a boy appeared in her path. A boy she begrudgingly had to admit to herself was not ugly. He was holding something though, and she stopped looking at his hair and turned her attention to his hands. Dirt. Why had he brought dirt into the store. Was it a trick??

"Hi, um...that's not one of their tricks is it? Trick dirt and....sad little flowers?" She didn't think that it was, random? But you could never be sure.

Before he could answer, she began rummaging in her coat and jeans pockets for her "collection" bag. "You know, dirt and flowers are hard to collect if you aren't prepared. Did you find those somewhere out there?" She nodded towards the unlikely snow-covered road outside. She finally found the small moleskin pouch and dumped its contents (a feather from some type of small bird, a lose Gobstone, a small piece of a pine she found after they apparated into the village, and a few silver sickles and bronze knuts) into her other hand before catching his eye. "You have to have a 'stuff' bag. I collect random things to make collages sometimes," she shrugged. He probably thought that was weird but HE was the one holding dirt.

After shoving the stuff into her pants pocket, she quickly pulled the opening of the bag wide so he could dump his plant into it.
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