Thread: Hogsmeade: Zonko's Joke Shop
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Old 10-02-2024, 08:39 AM   #38 (permalink)

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Default oh my gosh being called pixie again is SUCH a blast from the past for REAL
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Text Cut: eeeeeee from suits of armour helmet bowling to now *le emo & le welcome back squish*
Originally Posted by PadfootAndTheWolf View Post
Kiera only had so long before her mother tired of chatting with friends over their butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks before she realized her daughter was missing.


She was gone. Missing was too strong of a word for what Kiera had done. She simply mumbled something half-convincing about visiting the loo to her mother and the other witches she had fallen into conversation with about who even cares what, and quickly rushed through the front door. She wasn't going to do anything bad, she never did. Usually.

The slight and spindly ten year-old darted around a rather large wizard with a heavy brown coat and had stopped under the awning of what she hoped was the joke shop. She'd love to her get hands on something to torment her neighbor Harry with. She rolled her grey eyes thinking of his last bad choice of dipping her braid into the inkwell. They'd see who was laughing next!

Convinced that she was clear of Elise's watchful sight, and after Kiera pulled her eyes from all of the older Hogwarts students running about, she slipped into the store. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the store compared to the bright autumn sunshine outside, she only gave herself a second to dwell on how much she envied those older boys and girls. Her mother and father only shook their heads when she had spent all summer writing letters to the school's Headmaster, the Board of Governors and anyone else she could catch the name of who was even related to the school--all in the efforts to see if they would let her come early.

But no, she would start next September. Hmpf!

She knew that she shouldn't complain so much but she just HAD to sometimes.

Looking around at all of the AMAZING toys, tricks and thingamabobs, Kier scampered off into the aisles, pieces of her blonde hair flying free from her braid as she went.

Winter was pretty fantastic. Winter meant the freedom to build epic snow forts and snowmen, race friends on sleds, having snowball fights, and the cold air tickling your cheeks and nose so much that it turned all rosy. There was also something rather special about how everything looked magical under a blanket of white and the addition of cozy nights by the fire with hot cocoa or chai were the perfect way to end a day of fun. Overall winter was pretty darn cool certainly wasn't Nyle's favorite. Especially since that blanket of white meant that almost all the greenery and flora were just gone until the warmth of spring (his favorite season) revived them and with winter just around the corner it was time to take preemptive measures! He could practically smell the petrichor in the air!

Obviously not thinking his actions through and reaping the consequences of them now, Nyle pushed open the door to the nearest shop and held it open with his bum while he pivoted himself inside with his hands cupped in front of him to tenderly hold something. He had wanted to visit Zonko's, just maybe not with a handful of dirt with a half shriveled on the verge of death pair clematis flowers drooping over the front.

"Oh...bother," the blond mumbled under his breath as he lightly jogged in place to preoccupy his thoughts from dwelling on his serious lack of forethought - the irony. " box...a can...oh anything um um..." he mumbled further as he meandered forward looking at the shelves and floors for any stock boxes that the shopkeeper may have left out. " me wouldn't happen to have seen any vacant little boxes or cans or anything of that sort, would you?" he inquired of a girl just around his age he came across during his fretting.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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