Thread: Hogsmeade: Gladrags Wizardwear
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Old Today, 05:50 AM   #21 (permalink)

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
The hogsmeade weekend was here and JT left the castle as soon as he could after breakfast to explore the interesting shops and maybe just maybe take a little peek at the haunted shrieking shack. He had some pocket money to spend and after a visit to honeydukes, the second year dark haired boy stepped into Gladrags to get some clothing items.

One JT's least favourite things was clothes shopping. He disliked trying on clothes, it always made him feel self-concious, and ugly. Moving over to the stall with clothing items for the outside JT mumbled to himself. "Please can there be earmuffs and gloves that aren't too girrrrrrrrrly?"
First Hogsmeade weekend! Well, technically not since she had come here on several occasions with mum and dad or out with one of her numerous aunties and then the one time with her reluctant grumpy uncle but this was the first time she was coming to Hogsmeade of her own accord and not through any of the floo networks and as a Hogwarts students. Just like with her first train ride, it was positively vital that she do her first Hogsmeade trip justice and that naturally meant a trip to the Three Broomsticks which she had already taken with some of her dormmates because that was just want one must do. Of course she needed to do something with her brother or else he would write home and claim that she had abandoned him (lies!) but before she met up with him at Honeydukes she was going to do something for herself. Something that made her sophisticated and grown up, because she was in coming to Hogsmeade unchaperoned by family, and she would know what she was looking for when she found it probably some socks because she did not have that much coin on her.

Pushing her glasses up with her palm, Iris perused the various displays and gazed longingly at the vibrant robes and shimmering accessories. As she reached for a set of dress robes in elegant aubergine purple, her thumb brushing over the embroidered butterfly inside the sleeve that fluttered away to settle elsewhere on the garment, the 11-year-old couldn’t help but imagine her own closet brimming with the latest fashions. Each piece seemed to whisper promises of adventure and confidence, and she daydreamed of casting spells in the finest attire and the flavor of condensed milk and cocoa tickled her taste buds. Her fantasies were interrupted when she heard grumbling nearby and her stern expression brightened seeing who it was.

"Define girly," she hummed as she peered around the frock on the mannequin she had been admiring to smile at the older Slytherin. "You know that's all just an idea from society and just thing people made up, right?"

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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