Thread: Lesson: Charms: Lost & Found
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Old 09-25-2024, 12:44 AM   #17 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Beauden Wild
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gillyweed Beery
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

x8 x8
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

A free item? That piqued his interest even more, though he wasn't the type to get overly excited about mystery boxes. Whatever it was, he hoped it was useful—or at least fun.

The Gryffindor grinned at the sight of the winded Hufflepuff who had taken a seat beside him. Her words resulted in him chuckling. "Thank Merlin!" he commented, moving a hand across his forehead to express feigned relief. "Don't think I'd be able to dodge them as easily with these legs I magicked this morning. Still getting used to them." A wink was sent her way, still willing to go along with her illusion that he was actually a merprince.

Beauden leaned back slightly, his arms crossed loosely as he listened to Professor Feirgrund. When they were asked to share a moment where they felt like they were being watched or had to find something lost, Beauden's brow furrowed slightly. That wasn't the sort of question he expected in a Charms class, and for a moment, he considered brushing it off with a joke. But then he remembered a time from the dragon reserve back home.

Such a tale involving how he had lost one of his boots while exploring the mountainside. He never did find his boot, but one of the younger dragons had been watching him the whole time according to Pa, who had scolding him for going out on his own. But those details ended up not being shared, however, as he quickly found himself getting caught up in everyone else's stories. He completely agreed with those that mentioned they were constantly under watch at school; there were eyes everywhere.

He focused on the shared incantation, rolling the words around in his mouth as they echoed around him. "Oh-Bee-Ek-Tum. Reh-VEH-lee-oh." The pronunciation felt a bit funny at first, but the more he repeated it, the more it began to flow.

Once he felt the rhythm of the incantation settling in, he began tracing the triangle shape in the air, starting from the top as instructed. Wand gripped firmly, he concentrated on completing the movement. The triangle wasn't the straightest, but it was a triangle nonetheless. A white trail flickered in the air, and his heart raced as he watched it stay briefly before fading away. Not quite what he wanted, but at least he managed to get a glimmer.

Beauden narrowed his eyes, feeling more determined after that flicker of success. He repeated the incantation, this time putting more intention behind each syllable and was more deliberate in making the lines sharper. The white trail appeared once more, but instead of fading as quickly, it lingered a fraction longer, the edges more defined than before. Progress!

Now was he ready to try it nonverbally? Maybe later. He honestly wasn't feeling up to melting his brain and making his face turn red from an overabundance of concentration today.

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