Thread: Lesson: Charms: TBA
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Old Today, 02:03 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rowan Fairfax
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ezra Greenwood
Fifth Year
Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!

Ezra wasn't the most organised of people. He lost things on a daily basis – putting them down and them then seemingly vanishing into thin air, then pulling everything apart looking, only to find them in the very place he had left them – the first place he always looked! He blamed those.. what was that movie he had watched with his great uncle Nathan again?--GREMLINS. Yes. Those creepy little blighters from that entertaining movie. Accio was always handy too in school.

He didn't feel like he wanted to voice this in class—it happened too often to be a fun little anecdote for him. The feeling of being watched, too, was familiar to the boy. Ezra had turned out a little.. different from many of his family members. He was the first Ravenclaw on his dad's side for a start, and he didn't show any interest in the close families career paths – a business he was expected to take over at some point in the future. As a result, he often felt like he was being watched at home – considered and scrutinised. He wrinkled his nose thinking about it. But again, not something to voice in class. Or anywhere to be frank.

He pondered over the subject while listening to his classmates. “The paintings in this place are always watching us.” He offered. Not a paranoid feeling like he was sure the Professor meant, but a fact. “I guess just turn them around.” He smiled slightly, amused by the idea of this and the protests from beyond the frames that would ensue.
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