Thread: Grounds: The Great Lake
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Old Today, 10:21 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Walles
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Anna couldn't resist giggling a little bit more, her wild curls dancing in the gentle breeze with each lock a vibrant cascade of warm chestnut. "Well, I suppose it might come in handy if you are the sort who wants some unconventional practice dodging bludgers," she offered as her gaze followed his hand and, well, it was a silent invitation to observe his athletic build which was what had inspired the playful suggestion in the first place. And if he did not play quidditch nor know anything about the sport, well, they would be almost two peas in a pod because Anna did not know the sport all that intimately either other than her innate joy in supporting her friends who played - though she DID know the names of all the balls!

The seventh year's heart fluttered with a delightful thrill, the suggestion that she was capable of writing anything worth reading or providing entertainment like the bards of yore the best kind of compliment that even her freckles seemed to dance upon her rosy cheeks. It really was a magical setting, by the way, with the backdrop of shimmering water and Lake Prince Splish-Splash with the Radiant Halo standing there with such an easy confidence. "Well, not to brag per say but I was heavily requested at bedtime by my sisters when we all were younger," she laughed.

Her pinky wiggled in the air for added emphasis. "Mmmhmm, arguably more powerful than an actual Unbreakable Vow," she nodded sagely. "Though I am not sure of their potency if no physical exchange in the form of pinky finger coiling is made, so you may still be at risk. Unless there IS and ancient Mermish magic that solidifies the power of the promise in spite of the chasm between our worlds and threads the oath like strands of seaweed caught in the tide of life." Not that she would go out of her way to throw rocks at him or anyone for that matter but she was enjoying the quick quibs back and forth along with him indulging in her narratives and waking daydreams. "Hi, Beauden," she greeted with a little curtsey. "I'm Anna of Bexhill-On-Sea and Hufflepuffle."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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