Thread: Grounds: Quidditch Pitch
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Old Today, 06:50 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rowan Fairfax
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ezra Greenwood
Fifth Year
Default Beater!
Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!

With contained nervous excitement, Ezra and his beloved broom made their way out to the Quidditch pitch. He passed the professor on the way to collect a Beater's bat, having left his own in his dorm unsure if he was allowed to use it--he nodded at Adara. He had no idea she coached the under 17s.. and that just added to the nerves. Nerves he was hoping would turn into adrenaline. “Hi Professor.” He greeted her with a sunshiney smile while listening to the instructions. Apprehensive jitters, he cracked his knuckles in anticipation.

He knew he didn't have the same experience as a lot of the students on the pitch, but he had boatloads of enthusiasm and determination, and a good starting point thanks to the coaching he had received from his great uncle. He took a few minutes to select a bat that was around the same weight and size of his own. His plan was to start with the position he had the most experience with, before giving the other positions a try.

He mounted his broom, kicked off and surged into the sky, joining the other Beater hopefuls. “Hey guys, good luck everyone.” Bright smile for all. Flying was Ezra's happy place.

After the release of the bludgers he watched Beauden take a swing at the first before focusing on another, taking a hard swing at it and sending it hurtling towards the target. He could do this. He could.
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